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I walked out of the empty classroom and walked around the empty halls as class started a long time ago, and again, I missed it.

I remembered what Yoongi did, his actions. I hated myself. For accepting his help, for not doing it myself. At least it's not the first time I felt weak.

I walked in the empty halls and decided to go to the roof with the time I had left. I climbed up the stairs and was aching. I opened the door only to see a person with his head in his knees and a person who looked like they're crying.

I walked closer because I didn't know who it actually was. I walked closer until I was behind the figure. "A-are-" before I could finish the figure finally looked up and slowly turned his head to the side. He turned fully around. His hair all messy.Y/n..." he says in his clearly broken voice. My eyes widened as I saw who it was finally. "J-Jungkook?! What-why-?!" I leaned down beside him.

I put my hands on his back trying to comfort him but he pushed me away harshly. "Hey what the hell?! I'm just trying to help you!!" He stands up and glares at me. "Did you have fun with Yoongi?! Did he satisfy your needs?! You must be so happy now you fucking whore...Why don't you just go die in a ditch somewhere.." he says as he walks towards the door to leave. I stand up quickly, hurt from his words.

"Whats wrong with you?! What are you even talking about?! I did nothing with Yoongi!!" He turns and stomps towards me. "You fucking liar! I saw you!! Don't fucking lie to me!" He yells. "I did not! You want to see what really happened?!" I pulled up my shirt just enough to show my stomach. "See?! I was hurt! Because of you! Yoongi was stitching me! Because of your mistakes!! And now you tell me that I'm lying?!"

He stops and looks at my scars. "Y-Y/n...I-I.." I pushed through him and went for the door. I turned one last time towards him then left.


I decided to skip class this time so I just decided to walk around the empty halls. Then I heard faint yelling from one of the empty classrooms. I walked quietly and the voice sounded familiar. Then it stopped. I looked through the window of the classroom and found Yoongi and Y/n.

They were only inches apart and Y/n wasn't wearing a shirt. I ducked down and covered my mouth. I started feeling hot tears falling down my face. I ran to the roof and just felt the air hit my face. I walked towards the edge and looked down.

I had a glimpse of before. I wince at the memory. But this time Yoongi won't be there to save me. I back down from the edge and just collapse on the floor. I tuck my head between my knees as The memory of Y/n and Yoongi play in my head repeatedly.

Why?! I wanted her..I wanted her too myself again. Even if its for only a moment. I want her to be mine. Then I heard a voice. "A-are-" I lifted my head and turned around slightly only to see Y/n standing there. "Y/n..." I started getting angry.

~time skip~

Y/n left. I was there alone again. I remembered her scars that looked like they were still fresh. The words I said towards her. I can't forgive myself, she'll never forgive me.

I suddenly had a feeling. I ran for the door and ran to find Y/n. She couldn't be that far. I found her turn a corner and grabbed her shoulders and pinned her towards the wall. "What the fuck?! Let me go you bastard!!" I try calming her down with a kiss.

I finally felt happy. I missed this feeling so much. Her lips were so soft. She started kissing back which made me even more happier. I ended the kiss for both of us to catch out breath. "W-what just happened?!" She says. I place my forehead on hers. "Y/n...I love you...so much..please..forgive me and give me a chance."

I say looking at her with begging eyes. I can't let her go when I have this chance. "J-Jungkook...what actually makes you think that i'd say yes?!" She says. My heart stops beating as her words strike through my heart.

"Let me go you bastard..I want nothing to do with you..you're nothing but a monster..."

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