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I ran down the stairs as fast as I could but couldn't make it down fast enough. I lost her, again. I hate myself, for losing her, I was supposed to protect her. But instead I hurt her.

I ran outside with tears swelling in my eyes. "I can't lose you again.." I say trying to choke back a sob.

She couldn't have gotten far..I keep thinking, trying to convince myself that she's not gone. The phrase keeps repeating in my head. But I kept running and running and ended up with nothing. I fell to my knees some people around looking at me but I didn't care. She was gone. I lost her.

My tears finally fell one by one and I couldn't stop them. I let them fall because this was my fault. If I just protected her like I promised then this would never have happened. She would've loved me back.

I wiped my tears away and stood up. Maybe the others have a better chance of finding her maybe they already did.

I walked around still with a heavy chest, no one was around it was only me. I turned to and alley because if I jumped the fence it would be a shortcut to school. As I walked near the alley darkness fell on me. Then I senses something withe me, I wasn't alone. I turned around and saw no one. Then an arm grabbed my neck and held it tight. I couldn't breath. I tried grabbing the dagger I had in my pocket but instead I saw the guy inject something in my neck.

He let me go and my feet felt like jelly. I turned quickly to look at him my eyes widened. "Suho.." I say before my body became heavy and my eyes went dark.

I looked at him on the ground. This is what you deserve. I didn't do this on Baekhyuns command I did this on my own choice. Either way Baekhyun would've wanted it.

~time skip~

I went back to the apartment that me and Baekhyun shared at the moment. I opened the door and saw a pool of blood on the floor. It started getting dark so I brought Jungkooks body inside with me. I almost dropped his body when I saw the pool of blood on the floor. I looked at Baekhyun who was panting and holding his knife still dripping with the red liquid.

I looked down at the body and saw the girl Baekhyun kissed a long time ago. She was annoying so I didn't care much. "So what happened here?" I say. Baekhyun looks at me, "we didn't need her anymore and well..i was gonna kill her in the end anyways so what's the use of keeping her around?" He says cleaning his knife. "You're such a messy killer..just like I remembered you to be..."

"Yeah.." Baekhyun took a deep sigh and started cleaning everything up. "So why's Jungkook here? I never told you to do anything yet.." he says. "I wanted to do it..cause what's the difference? You will have asked me too do it sooner or later wouldn't you?" I say as I walk past the pool of blood. "Well yeah I guess you're right about that." He says.

I need to finish some business up with Jungkook. I dragged his body to my room and tied him up. I left and helped clean the rest up with Baekhyun. After we finished I walked back to where Jungkook was. I opened the door and saw him struggling. "So.." I say his head jerks to me. "You motherfucker...what am I doing here?" He says. "Well as you already know about Chanyeol and our precious 'Y/n' you owe us a lot.." I say.

"You remember Y/n right? That pretty little girl..lost..confused..and alone..you know, the one you hurt relentlessly?" He looked down when I finished. "You know I like her..I liked her for a while..I liked her longer then you have and you just take her just like that? It won't be that easy to take her back from us.."

"You bastard...If you hurt one strand of hair on her head I will kill you.." he says. I laugh, "you think you can hurt me? I already have your life in my hands at this moment! I can kill you if I please!" I say. "Maybe I will take Y/n..slit her throat in front of your face even.." his eyes widen in horror, of course I would obviously never do that. "Fuck..When the rest figure out about this!" I looked at him like he was crazy. "The others?! Do you actually think they still care for you?! Do you?! Then that means you're more stupid then I thought!" I say.

"Why don't I prove it to you?" I walk to the door and grab someone from the outside.

I pushed him inside the gun pointed at Jungkook's head. Jungkook started to become weak, hie eyes became empty. "J-Jimin?!?!"

I looked at Jimin who was already about to cry. "P-please...don't make me do this!!!" He says. "Do it or Y/n will die...Jungkook's life is in my hands..Y/n's life is in yours Park Jimin...Pull the trigger and you save her life don't pull the trigger and she dies...what will it be..."

Jimin's hand starts to shake violently. "J-Jimin...don't do this!" I look at everything unfold. But then I hear multiple voices outside, my ears started getting tense. It was them...it was the guys they came..I heard a voice call my name. "Suho!! Where are you?! I brought banana milk!!" He was about to open the door but I tried stopping him. I let go of Jimin.

Jimin turned around and I felt something hard. A shot was heard loud and clear.

I dropped the gun, I looked at the blood flowing rapidly. "S-Suho?!" The door opened to reveal Sehun and the rest. Beakhyun came and his eyes widened at the scene. He looked at me and at the gun below my feet. "SUHO!!" Kai and the rest surrounded his body yelling for help. Baekhyun ran towards me and pinned me on the wall by my neck. "JIMIN!!" Jungkook yells. I can't breath.

"This is the second time!! Fuck you!! To fucking hell with you!!" He yells as tears fall down his face. "Why did he do this?!" Xiumin says. Everyone glares at me and Jungkook. "You guys...also killed Chanyeol didn't you?" Kyungsoo said.

Baekhyun released me and I took deep breaths. "W-we didn't-" before Jungkook could finish Chen grabbed the gun and pointed it at Jungkook's head. "NO!!" I yell. "Or what?! You killed two of them!! TWO!!!" He says.

"I-I'm sorry!" I say. "Sorry is not enough..we didn't do anything to you!!" He says. "A life for a life seems fair.." he says looking at Jungkook.

The door opens again to reveal Y/n.

She covers her mouth in horror seeing the scene. "Y-Y/n.." I say. She looks at me then at Jungkook and the gun. "What have you guys done?!" She says. "Jimin! You killed Chanyeol and Now Suho?! And Baekhyun why did you tie up Jungkook?! No one is telling me anything!!!" She yells in anger.

"It was for the best!" Baekhyun says as he drops me to the ground and I could finally breath. "I did it for you and Chanyeol! Can't you be fucking grateful?!?!" He starts yelling. I look at Y/n who started crying silently. "I can't believe this..I thought you guys wouldn't do these kinds of things..i've known Chanyeol for so long! I can't believe he won't tell me anything! And neither will you guys!! I always have to figure things out on my own because everyone thinks i'm useless and helpless so they treat my like I can't do anything!"

She starts yelling. "Now Chanyeol's dead because of me! Every little fucking mistake I make will always resort in this." She yells louder.

"Y-Y/n...stop.." Xiumin tried to calm her down but she only pushed him away which made him hit the wall. "Don't fucking tell me to calm down! Do you think I would actually after all this?! Do you think I would actually fucking calm down?!?" She yells at Xiumin. "Why isn't there anyone here I can actually trust?!? Baekhyun...you keep secrets from me too...thats why I hate you.." She says. I looked over at Baekhyun who was about to walk towards her but stopped.

I crawled over to Jungkook and broke his ties and we both stood up and hit Baekhyun which triggered the others. I looked at Jungkook and he looked at me. "Beat these guys and we'll get Y/n back..." I say. He nods. But there was something wrong. Something didn't feel right.

I looked at the door and saw Y/n leaving again. I can't let that happen.

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