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I trudged back home with Yoongi on my back. I remembered when I called him "hyung". It was a long time since I called anyone that. When I was still happy.

Now it just causes me bad memories. But I knew Yoongi wanted to hear it. It made him remember the good times.

I was suddenly devoured in silence as I walked through the forest the moon already shining high above. I then felt something fall on the side of my neck. I turned slightly to see Yoongi sleeping and crying at the same time. It breaks me to see this.

I walked until a faint light of a home was made. I opened the gates seeing a butler there. "Sir! What happened?! Why is your hand bleeding?!" He suddenly says to me. "I'm fine..right now I need to focus on Yoongi so open the door.." I say back. He opens the door and I walk all the way to the front door.

I kick the door open and walked in my hand still dripping with blood. I walked past the living room where everyone was except Y/n. They all turned their heads and their eyes widened. "Hoseok?! What the fuck happened?! Why is Yoongi like that?! And why is your hand bleeding?!" Jin yelled.

I shrug it off since I can't answer anything at the moment as I walked up the stairs ignoring everyone. My neck was wet with Yoongi's tears.

He must be having his dream again. It was the only dream he had after that day. And it only seems like its getting worse. I hear footsteps following behind me. I turn and see everyone there with a worried and concerned expression. "Hoseok!! Tell us what happened!! We want to help!" Jimin said. "Not now! I need to finish this up first!" I said back. The more I ignored my injured hand the more it hurt since I was carrying Yoongi at the same time. "Arrrggh!! Fuck.." I say as my hands wound opens wider.

"Hoseok!! Let us help!!" Namjoon said. "No!! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I yell. Everyone became silent again. "Hoseok..you can't always push everyone away like that. We care for you as well. Not like those bad people that you were with before..." Taehyung said.

He was right. But Yoongi's my best friend as well. I need to help him. "Thank you..i'm sorry about the sudden yelling..but please..I can handle this on my own..." I say as I walk the final step I had to get upstairs.

I walk all the way down to Yoongi's room. I kick the door open again and walk towards his bed. I lay him down gently and see his face painted with hot wet tear streaks. I look outside the insanely large window which showed me the night sky. "I know you're out there. We're going to find you and kill you if its the last thing we do."

~time skip to morning~

I woke up and sat up on my bed so fast. I was sweating and panting and crying again as I felt my heart pound rapidly.

It was the goddamn dream again. I can't handle it. I slowed down my breathing as I calmed myself down. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I couldn't remember what happened last night. It doesn't look clear.

I feel so dizzy, what did I do last night to put me in such a state? The only thing that popped in my mind was Hoseok and Y/n. I had a feeling that I had to meet him.

I walked out my room and saw no one in the hallway. I looked at my phone and realized that they're at school. I cursed in my mind, why didn't they wake me up?

I left it be. I was alone again. I checked in every room to make sure. Namjoon's room was empty and so was Jin's. I checked Hoseok's room and found a lot of bloody bandages and a few small blood stains. What the fuck happened?!

Did Hoseok get hurt? And did no one tell me?! I cursed again, I walked to check Jimin's room which was also found empty. I checked Taehyung's room and nothing was found. They must have actually left me here. I stood in front of the last room which was Jungkook's.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked in only to see large blood stains and blood everywhere. What the hell happened last night?!! I couldn't remember anything from yesterday, it felt like my kind was wiped clean. I looked over at the bed and found a body. But it wasn't Jungkook's.

I walked over quickly wondering if this body was one of Jungkook's victims. But it was much worse. Y/n was laying there asleep and all bandaged up.

My eyes started watering as faint memories from yesterday came flooding in finally. I hurt Y/n..badly. I hurt her too much. My anger got the best of me and I let it happen.

How could I let this happen?! I grabbed her face as I tried waking her up. Did Jungkook take care of her?! If she died will it be his fault or mine?! I can't let her die, I can't let her go. I need her, I want her. I need her to stay with me.

I don't want to let her go. But its all my fault. I started all this. I started crying again. If she died I don't know what would happen. My head started hurting again. Why is this all happening at once?! "Please Y/n..don't leave me..I don't want to be left alone again. I'm sorry..please just don't leave me."

As I touched her hands it started moving. I looked at her hoping. Her eyes started opening. I smiled with tears still falling. We both made eye contact finally and her eyes widened and she sat up immediately and tried moving away from me as far as possible. "ARRGGHH!! It hurts..it hurts so much.." she barely says.

Her actions broke my heart. "Y-Y/n...You're alive!"  I say with happiness. "S-stay away from me you fucking monster!!" She says back.

I started feeling something sting. It hurt, I looked at her. "Y-Y/n..please I-I.." I couldn't finish my sentence before she spoke again. "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!" She yells at me. I got angry as I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me. "We're going to school whether you like it or not..I will make sure you stay with me at all times. No one can touch you in the state you're in. So try and fucking escape from me again and I will show you no mercy.." I say to her as she stares back at me.

"You're a fucking monster.." I laugh at her. "We're attending a big party tomorrow night, you're going to come with us. Now go get ready.."

She tried leaving the bed but couldn't as she yelled in pain. I looked at her more, her blood was showing through her bandages. Then I realized what I did.

"Y/n..just wait.." I say as I leave to grab some stitches.

I came back and sat down beside her. "Take off your shirt.." I say. She obeyed and took off her shirt slowly. I looked at her body as it showed more. I looked at the wounds I gave her. She finally took off her shirt and was left in her bra.

I tried ignoring the fact, but she looked amazing. "Stay still." I say as I start stitching her wounds up. I felt her skin, its so soft. My hands were so close to her bra. I started feeling an urge. An urge to keep her to myself. To dare anyone who touches her. She's mine again. And i'm not letter her go that easily. Her body is all mine.

I finished the stitching and put the stitches away. "Are you alright?" I say to her. She says nothing which irritates me. "If you disobey me one more time...I can't guarantee your life.." I say. She looks at me with her tears which brakes me every time.

"I'll go make breakfast...be down when I call you..we'll go to school and you better be ready." I walked towards the the door and opened it. Before I left I looked back at her. "If you tell anyone about everything you saw and everything that happened to you...I will kill you...don't test me Y/n...because I want to keep you safe.." I left closing the door behind me only to slide down from it.

I sat on the floor my back against the door. I put my hands on my head and run my hand through my hair.

"I want to keep you safe...because I love you.."

Love Me (Rewritten Vers.)Where stories live. Discover now