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I follow closely behind Hoseok, We arrive in front of an apartment building and Hoseok just stays quiet while I was a bit tense.

Hoseok was about to open the door to the entrance until I pulled him back. "What's your problem?" He says. "What if its a trap? What if they want us to come here so they can kill us? They know that Kaidae's out only weakness.." I say. He looks down and then at me. "Yeah you're probably right..sorry for lashing out on you..lets go home.." he says. I nod and follow him, I turn my head and look at the apartment building one more time before following Hoseok again.

I saw her face. I saw her, she's alive healthy and beautiful. But what lies behind that mask of hers? Another lie? Another fake? Or someone who loves me? But I already saw it clearly that she already found another guy..and i'm obviously not her first.

Me and her are no different, We both take innocent lives. For me it was to cope with my pain but for her it was to get rid of things she simply didn't have any use for.

That's why she tried to kill me and the rest of the guys in that fire. I bet the guy she ran off with that night is dead.

I sighed, I could take her back but I have Y/n. Obviously Y/n is the better option. But something about Kaidae just..pulls me towards her like a magnet. A magnet of lies..and hurt.

I run my hand through my hair as I fall on my bed looking up at the ceiling. Behind me the door opened and there I saw Jimin and Hoseok standing. "So are they dead?" I say. I look at them upside down and see them shake their head. "Well what happened? Hoseok you had a burning rage to kill..what happened? And Jimin..I know you want her dead as well..what made you guys change your mind?" I say as I cover my eyes with my arm.

"What if it was a trap? Have you considered that?" Hoseok said. He's right but I wasn't in the mood to argue. "Yeah you're right..You guys could've been killed..I put you guys in action too quickly without thinking..i'm sorry..I was just angry at the moment I couldn't think straight.." I say followed by a sigh.

A moment of silence past as I hear my door close. I look at the ceiling again left alone in my room. "Nothing will change..." I say. "But what if.." I start thinking. Everyone is the same except one person. Y/n.

I took a short shower and dried myself. I got a hoodie and some black jeans and walked towards my window. If I left I know that they'll ask where i'm going and either come with me or stop me.

I hated getting treated like a child sometimes. I open my window and jump out to a closer ledge then jump on the ground. I ran towards the fence and jumped up and landed on the other side. I looked behind me, no one was there. I sprinted in the woods until the grass ended and was met with a sidewalk. I stopped and caught my breath.

I continued walking and got on a bus. My breath still tired from the run, I was the only one left on the bus headed downtown. I was about to take a short nap when I heard a voice. "That bastard..at least I get what I want at the end.." that voice...I looked up and saw her. Her head turned and saw me, her eyes widened a bit then a smirk on her face. That pain in my chest started forming again.

She walked closer until she sat on my lap. "Hey Kookie..." she said caressing me. I didn't know what to do. "I miss you, you know that? Before was an accident. Please forgive me kookie.." she said leaning in towards me our faces almost touching.

This wasn't Kaidae..Kaidae never existed. I pushed her off harshly as she fell to the floor hitting her head. "You're in a 'relationship' with Baekhyun aren't you? You're just a fucking slut that goes from man to man and kills off the last one..why? Cause it's fun?! When I met you, you were loving and caring not a fucking whore like you are now! You mean absolutely nothing to me..even though you tried stabbing me all those years ago just days before the fire..I still have the scar, it hurts...the Kaidae I knew before never existed.."

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