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J-Jimin..how could you fucking take my place like that?! After All I did?! I tried to kill you for fucking sake! Yet you still showed hope for me.

Now Taehyung's hurt because of me. This is all my fault, it will always be my fault. I can't change what I am, Just a stupid fucking mistake. From the day I met Yoongi I knew I should've just ignored him, just denied what he said, I should've left.

I should've jumped, so many regrets. I don't even know anymore. I looked at Yoongi who glared back at me. I looked away because of how disgraced I felt. I hated myself, I won't forgive myself.

I hurt so many people. I walked past everyone and opened the door to go outside but only to hear everyone yelling at the same time. "I can't believe Cerberus is dead! I lost all my money!" A guy said, "Well Cerberus is dead now I guess Satan is the new champion of the ring! I got so much money! I knew it was a good idea to bet on the newcomer!"

My heart shook, "C-Cerberus is..dead?!" If Y/n..finds out. I don't know what she could do to everyone..and to herself.

I closed the door shut immediately. Everyone turned to look at me. "What the fucks wrong with you? Why'd you do that?" Jin asks. I shake my head vigorously. "Shut up for a goddamn second.." I say.

I look over at Yoongi who was trying to confort Y/n, but only to see a sly smirk on his face. I walked over to him and patted his back whichh made him look up to me. "Can we talk?" I say. He nods and leaves Y/n. We walk across the room and I glare at him. "What was that 'business' you said you were attending again?" I say which caught him by surprise.

"Nothing you need to know.." he says. He tried to leave but I grab his shoulder. "Cerberus is dead...do you know anything about how?" I say. He scoffs at me. "Simple..he fights he loses he dies.." he says. "But he's been the champion for so long..how can one guy beat him so easily?!" I say. "I guess its just luck.." he says. "If Y/n finds out.." I say getting angry. "She doesn't..well not from us at least..she'll find out eventually on her own.." he says in a dark tone.

"What the fuck have you done?!?" I said. He has that same sly smirk I saw from before. "I'm just getting what I want..back..you guys obviously don't know what you can and can't touch..what's yours and what's not..I thought you guys know already but clearly..you haven't learned shit.."

He says as he walks away. What the fuck does he mean by what's his and what's ours?!

He goes back and sits beside Y/n who was sleeping beside Taehyung. He picked her head and laid it on his lap. He caressed her cheek as he looked at me with that grin on his face. Finally it clicked.

He doesn't like to share

Why Jungkook? Why would you try to stab Jimin? Did he do something? Why am I always left out?

I groaned at the pain. I looked at Jungkook who was trying to fix himself. I look at Yoongi sleeping with Y/n.

Lots of things happened. I want it to end. Everything hurt so bad.

I looked at Y/n the dry tear stains on her face, I looked at it blankly, is it real? Or is it just fake.

I winced as I turned my head to face the ceiling. I don't know whats going on anymore.
I thought.

I told the guards to inject something special to make sure that 'Cerberus' is going to die. The fighter 'Satan' was just a random person I picked to fight.

I didn't care as long as Chanyeol was finally out of the picture and from the looks of it, It worked perfectly. The thought of him gone put a smile on my face.

Namjoon came back in, "I called out limo to pick us up early..he's waiting for us outside." He says. Everyone nods and Jin and Hoseok help Taehyung. I pick up Y/n bridal style with Jimin by my side, as we were trying to exit, Jungkook locked the door. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Jimin says. "We can't go out there!" He says. "Jungkook! Taehyung's hurt and you really want to do this?! Are you that selfish?!" Hoseok yells.

He pushes Jungkook aside and opens the door, of course the party was still going. We walked down the hall and turned left only to be met with everyone's eyes. Taehyung's was limping and everyone states whispering.

I looked at The announcer and he nodded from afar. I woke Y/n up with a kiss and she tried going back to sleep but I made her wake up. She stood up and didn't care if I carried her bridal style. She rubbed her eyes and I looked at the announcer one more time.

He tapped his microphone and said. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight we have a new champion! Now that Cerberus has been sent back to hell we have a new ruler to rule! SATAAANNNN" everyone cheers. I look over at Y/n who was in completely frozen. I looked at the guys who were also in the same state. Except Jungkook.

Jungkook glared at me and I smirked. "W-what's he talking about Yoongi?" Y/n says. "I don't know.." I say trying to play dumb.

"Y/n..." Jungkook says. Everyone turns around to face him. "It means..Chanyeol is dead.." Y/n's eyes widened in fear. "No no no..how could he? It should have been impossible?! How?!?" Taehyung groans in pain as he tried taking a step.

"Lets hurry up..i'll explain to you in the car.." I say. We walk quickly to our limo when I made eye contact with one of the guys in the suits starring right at me and Y/n. I shoved the thought away and continued to what we had to do. Taehyung yelled in pain as he sat down.

We all sat down in silence as we drive back. "Y-Yoongi..explain..what's going on?!" Y/n says begging desperately. "Simple..your friend got beaten and now he's dead.." Hoseok says not giving a single fuck.

I looked at Y/n getting all tensed up. "This is all my fault..if I just stuck around with Him..I could've stopped him.." Y/n said. "Y/n..this is nobody's fault..don't blame yourself." Jin says.

I started feeling guilty. I looked at Y/n's face as it was blank. No tear left her face. I fucked up.

We arrived and we helped Taehyung to his room while Y/n disappeared. I started getting a bad feeling in my stomach. Jin and Jimin stayed and helped Taehyung. Jungkook locked himself in his room. And Namjoon and Hoseok went to go take a shower. I was left with nothing and no one.

I went to go find Y/n, I checked all the rooms except Jungkook's since he was having troubles of his owns. I checked everywhere and I couldn't find her. I found Hoseok sitting on the couch on his phone and asked him if he knew where Y/n went. He shrugged and I started getting annoyed at his behavior.

I went back to the dark hallway where everything started. I went back into the dim lit cellar. No one was there, at least no one alive.

I walked back upstairs getting anxious. I looked at the balcony and saw her standing there, but standing in a pool of red blood.

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