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Everyone stared and looked at me and Jimin enter. "About fucking time you got here!" Taehyung yelled. "Keep your shit together!" They were going to start a fight. I didn't know what to do. These guys were too aggressive.

I needed to avoid them, especially Jimin. The fight started to get more intense. They were distracted. I ran to the back of the library where no one could see me. I slid down the wall and hid my face on my knees.

I was afraid. I couldn't do anything, I was alone again.


Y/n and Jimin finally arrived and thanks for Taehyung and his bullshit he started a fight. I looked around and noticed..y/n was gone. I gritted my teeth. We had one job, and that was to keep y/n with us, I guess Jimin had to ruin everything. I sighed and ran off while everyone else was trying to get Jimin off of Taehyung.

She wouldn't have gone outside without me noticing. So I checked everywhere around the library. Until I came across the back, I saw her sitting there, scared and alone. A smile crawled on my face as I saw her sitting there alone.

She thought she could just run off? My smile faded when a thought crossed my mind. I started feeling angry. I couldn't control myself.

All of a sudden a hard grip met my skin. I looked up and saw Yoongi with a deathly stare that can make one thousand men run for the hill with their tails between their legs.

His eyes met mine and he looked angry. His grip tightened making me wince out of fear. I don't know what he was capable of. His grip was tight and it hurts so much. "What the hell if wrong with you?!" I yelled at him. His face turned dark. His teeth gritted and he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him and whispered in my ear. "Don't try running away from me y/n..."

I winced more as he held my hand tighter. His nails were digging through my skin. I tried escaping, pulling my hand out only made it worse. "What did I say!?

I finally gave up but stayed silent. "Stop trying to run y/n..you can't run or hide anywhere and if you do.." he gave of a dark chuckle. "You won't see the light again..." I froze, I couldn't breath. He pulled me up and dragged me back with everyone else.

Everyone glared at me and Yoongi. Yoongi had fires in his eyes and he didn't want to be messed with at the moment. Finally Yoongi let my arm go and blood started pouring out. His grip was so tight that his nails dug deep enough to cause me to bleed.

I winced and grabbed my arm. Yoongi just stared at me like he doesn't care about anything. I felt so angry but helpless. Why are they doing this?! I never met them in my life and they never met me! Why are they pretending that they know me.

"Yoongi! You fucking dumbass!! Why the fuck is she bleeding?!?" Namjoon yelled. I grabbed my hand tighter. It hurt so much. Jin came rushing over and examined it. "You fucking idiot..." he was about to touch my arm when I flinched away from him.

If just Yoongi could have caused this, what can the others be capable of? Jin looked at me warning me to not do it again. I obeyed, he examined it closer. But before he could do anything more Yoongi came and dragged me up.

"Whats your fucking problem?!" Jin yelled. Yoongi said nothing and continued holding my arm. He glared at Jin, "she's going to be fine if I do this." He held my hand, hiding the scars he cause. I was surprised at his sudden gesture. "Fine fine whatever! Just make sure no soul see's that mark.."

"Yoongi stop it! The more you're going to apply pressure the more blood will come out!" Small drips of blood started dripping out. I cussed under my breath and so did Yoongi. "Shit Yoongi! You're so fucking stupid!" Jimin yelled.

Yoongi started getting angry again and let go of my hand. He ran to Jimin and was about to throw fists when Hoseok stopped him. "Don't, not now, especially if she's here.." he pointed at me.

Yoongi sighed, he walked back to me and held my arm just as the bell rang, we went outside with him by my side.

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