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I got out of the stalls and went to the door and placed my ear to the door to hear if they're still there. Another hard bang hit the door and I flinched backwards. "If I see her I swear to god she's never going to make it out alive" I stopped breathing when I heard them say that. I backed away and heard their steps leave.

What am I going to do?

I decided to go home early, but my things were in the locker and the only way to get to it was to get past my class, and they're going to see me pass through. I guess I just have to be quick if I want to make it out alive.

I slowly unlocked the door and peeked my head out. The coast was clear, I slowly walked out and towards the lockers. I saw the class and ran as fast as I could so all they could've seen was a blur. But there was one problem, I locked eyes with Taehyung who had a huge grin plastered on his face. I eventually made it and grabbed all my things. I grabbed my phone and texted Baekhyun to tell the teacher I won't be here for the rest of the day because I'm sick.

I quickly got my things and headed outside, again I had to run fast. I looked outside and it looked warm. Good enough to walk, I only took the bus if Chanyeol was with me but he wasn't this time..I was at the entrance of the school and I stopped. Remembering what happened with Chanyeol..

I wiped away a tear that was about to escape and started walking back to my apartment. As usual, I took the shortcut through the woods. But as I walked I heard someone else's footsteps. I turned but saw no one, I started walking faster getting a bit worried.

Again I heard it getting faster. I started running and again I heard it running. I looked behind me but saw no one. Before I knew it I tripped and fell on a stupid root and landed on my leg. I yelled in pain as I looked at it, it was dislocated. I cussed under my breath.

Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes just waiting to escape. There was no escape, A shadow suddenly falls upon me and I turn still wincing from the pain and see Taehyung standing there smiling ear to ear. I had a look of pure terror.

"W-what are y-you doing here?!?!" He walked closer and leaned down until he was at my face level. "Well I decided to skip class too and go out but I happen to see you here. And with a dislocated leg.." He said still smiling. "You're a sick bastard..."

His smile suddenly turned into a pout. "Aww c'mon don't be like that! Or else you'll end up like your friend.." I froze, I didn't know what to do. He grabbed my leg and I flinched at his cold touch. He glared at me."Here, I can fix your leg with just the snap of my fingers if you my little kitten..answer one simple tinsy tiny question.."

I glared back at him not knowing what he was capable of doing. But what he said surprised me. "Are you afraid, and do you remember me?"

I looked at him, then at my leg. "Y-yes I'm afraid..." his smile widened. "And..am I supposed to?" His smile and all feeling in his face faded away and his face turned dark.

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