~••Fix us••~

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I run my hand through my hair in frustration. Why am I thinking these thoughts. She finally makes me happy and I want that gone?! It can't be me.

I want to feel this again. I don't want to let go of this happiness. She causes me immense euphoria. How can I possibly let that go. I fall backwards with my back against the bed sheet. My hands only making my face worse with blood stains.

I groan in frustration. How can I possibly do this and make not just myself, but everyone better. I've had this struggle on my shoulders for years, and now I can let it go.

I stand up and walk towards the washroom to take a bath. I strip myself of my shirt and look at what happened to me these past few years. The scars have reopened. The scars from the people I helped, from the people I thought that cared for me, from the person I loved.

I didn't like what I saw. Every time, every day. I see this eventually. I can't run from my past with these scars as chains holding me back.

I touch the biggest scar I had on the left of my chest. Near my heart lay a deep wound that hurts me more then the rest. Not because of how big it is, but because of who gave it.

I touch it and flinch because of the pain. I need to take my mind off things. But Yoongi had just walked out of the place to god knows where. I'm kinda worried, he's always been there for me. Well technically all of them have. But Yoongi saved my life. If he gets hurt I don't know if I could forgive myself.

Because I swore to protect all of them. Make sure they're safe and not hurt. Even though they're older then me doesn't mean I can't do anything for them after what they've done to me.

I heard the door open behind me and saw Hoseok there. We both made eye contact and he walked towards the bed where Y/n laid.

I walked beside him and looked at what he was doing. He was just sitting there caressing her face. "You know....she deserved it.." he said. I couldn't think straight at the moment and tried to process what he just said. "She tried running away from us..she got the consequences. There's always going to be consequences. You can't outrun them.." he said still caressing her face.

"Then how did we? Our consequence will eventually catch up to us...and we'll all pay the price." I said back. I didn't hear a response as Hoseok stopped caressing Y/n's cheek. He stood up and turned towards me with a glare. "Don't say that...we have something we need to finish. If we finish what we need to we can die, I don't care. As long as whats done is done. I don't care if someone gets hurt. If we die at the end as a consequence...I will die knowing what we did is done.." he said as he glared at me and walked towards the door. He opened it and looked back. "See you in hell Jungkook..." he left closing the door.

He might be right but not entirely. I think we still have he decision to change.

I walked out. Saying I didn't care if someone got hurt was partly true. It depends on who that person was. That moment I got to see Y/n. I wonder if she forgives me. After what I did.

I grab my jacket and was about to walk out the door when a voice said. "Hoseok, where are you going?" I turned to see Jungkook and Taehyung. "I-I...u-umm. All I know is that I'll be back. Stay here.." I say.

They look at each other a bit confused. "Where are you even going? Its getting late.." Taehyung said as he walked towards me with a suspicious look. "Listen..I just need to go finish something..do you mind?" I say. They both look at me suspiciously. I took my chances and opened the door and ran outside. I jumped the gate and ran into the woods.

I was kinda worried. If those two chased or followed me. I don't have a chance. They would both outrun me. I looked behind me as I saw no one and heard no one. I stopped and panted as I ran all the way to the end of the woods. I was standing in front of my school. I caught my breath and walked for a bit.

After a while I walked into a club. The music was blasting and hurting my ears which made me curse.

I walked towards the bar but got stopped by a girl I remembered from school. "H-Hoseok?! Is that you?! I never knew you went to this club! Do you want to dance?" She said as she leaned on me. I pushed her off harshly. "Don't fucking touch me you whore.." I said to her as I disappeared in the crowd. I walked towards the bar and sat down until I heard a man yelling. "Sir! Thats enough! I won't be giving you any more shots!!"

I tried shrugging it off as it wasn't my business until a familiar voice spoke. "You better give me more or else i'll kill you!!" I turned and saw Yoongi with a knife threatening a guy thats serving him drinks. I pushed through everyone and grabbed Yoongi's knife from his hands. Which only made him more angry. He tried stabbing my face but I caught the knife with my hand. My skin rapidly getting cut. The blood already falling.

"Sir!! You're bleeding!!" I look around as a crowd was gathering. "Hoseok!! What are you doing?! Whats Yoongi doing with a knife?!" I hear the girl from before say. More blood started falling to the floor. "Yoongi!! Snap out of it!!" I yell at him. He looks at me and finally realizes who I was.

I grab the knife from his hands and into my bloody ones. He looks at me. "H-Hoseok??!! What are you d-doing here?! I-I..hurt you.." he says. He backs up from the view. "I-I'm sorry.." he says. I drop the knife as I walked towards him. "Lets go home.." I say.

He shakes his head. "I hurt too much people..I want to die Hoseok..." I shake my head.

"Yoongi!! Come home with me now!!" As I walk towards him. He shakes his head one more time as he pushed and ran outside. "Shit!" I say as I chase after him. "Yoongi please!!"

"Leave me alone Hoseok...I hurt her! She's gone!! I can't get her back!" He yells. I know what he means. I run fast enough to catch him. He tries fighting his way out but I hugged him to keep him from running.

"Hoseok..let me go...please..I don't want to live anymore.." he says as I hear him choking back a sob. "Yoongi...I can't let you go..I need you to help us. Hyung please..." I say. "I don't want to let you go. You're important. If you died I don't know what will happen to us. We would all die as well. We all lost someone that was part of us. If we lose you we lose another. Y/n is waiting at home for you. Please hyung..don't leave me."

He finally let go and started crying silently on my shoulder as I maintained the hug. "Lets go home Hyung.." I say as I pick him up in a piggy back ride.

Y/n could possibly be the only person that can fix us all. But what if she can only fix one of us?

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