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Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin have been hanging with us for a year now. Me and Kaidae finally tied the knot when I told her I loved her.

We've been together for six months now, my best friends Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin have been there with me and i've been there for them as well. But after me and Kaidae tied the knot they started acting weird around me, more like cold.

The boys still have that same look in their eyes when the met Kaidae. I started getting more distant from them, I started getting a bit overprotective of Kaidae, I loved her too much to let her go to someone else.

Especially not one of my best friends. I woke up with Kaidae not in the bed with me, I started getting anxious. I got out of bed quickly and went out in the hallway. She wasn't there. I went downstairs and saw her hanging out with Jungkook. The feeling my heart has whenever Kaidae was around another guy hurt so much, it started getting worse as the days pass by.

"Kaidae? Jungkook?" I say, their heads turn, kaidae's head smiles at me while Jungkook's head just glares. I started getting annoyed, what was his fucking problem?

I walked towards them and held Kaidae's shoulder with a fake smile. "Want to go out today? Its been a while since we hung out just the two of us!" I say. She looks at me and smiles. "Sure!" She says. I look over at Jungkook who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Go get dressed i'll wait here!" I say with a smile. She nods and kisses me on the cheek before she leaves. I look at her silhouette turn the corner, until I finally dropped my fake smile and glared at Junkook who was also glaring at me.

"What the fucks wrong with you? Do you have a problem with me?" I say to him angrily. He ignores me and grabs his phone. "You fucking changed Jungkook..what the fuck happened to you?" I say as I leave.

As I was walking I heard footsteps run away. It was faint so I ignored it.

Then I heard laughter behind me, I turned and saw Jungkook laughing at something on his phone. I ignored it since he was acting like a fucking prick.

I got woken up by Jungkook but not with a happy face, but with a tender kiss to the lips. I kissed him back, my eyes moved to Yoongi who was sleeping right beside me. I pushed Jungkook off gently and pointed at Yoongi, he just scoffed and continued kissing me.

How long has this been going on? 3 months. I knew Jungkook loved me when I first met him. That was my own magic, I knew Yoongi was gonna confess as well. I'm good at hiding things and changing people. Thats how i've been alive this long.

Jungkook told me to go to the living room with him. All of us were living in Yoongi mansion, which was a jackpot for me. As Jungkook pushed me on the couch he pinned me down and started kissing me again. We had a bit of a make out session before we stopped. We heard footsteps which we already knew was Yoongi since Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok are out buying food.

We pretended to talk and just as we expected Yoongi came. Jungkook looked annoyed which made my day even better. Which also means my plan worked, again. I didn't pay attention to whatever Yoongi said and left. Instead I stayed around the corner to listen what would go on. Yoongi was obviously angry and argued with Jungkook. Just as they finished arguing Yoongi started walking in my direction. I ran away quickly and quietly as I could.

I escaped just in time to get dressed.


~time skip~

For the past few days I spent with Kaidae, she changed. As the days past by she started acting different, Jungkook wouldn't talk to anyone, he would always pick a fight if he got angry, and Namjoon Jin and Hoseok started fighting each other.

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