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Once we stepped out everyone in the halls turned and looked. I hid my head low making sure no one saw. Yoongi's hand holding tightly but not tight enough for the bleeding to start again.

As I thought the whispers started again, "fucking slut.." "who does she think she is?" But the worst part was I couldn't cover my ears. I couldn't stop hearing all the voices. But before I could hear anymore we made it outside for break. I wanted Yoongi to let go, I wanted for all of them to leave me alone, I just wanted everything to be normal again.

I take a look at my hand and Jin was right, it was bad, but it was getting a bit better by time.
We were outside and Yoongi still wouldn't let go. As we walked we passed by Baekhyun and Chanyeol and their friends. Me and Chanyeol locked eyes and he immediately changed expressions.

He instantly ran over as fast as he could and pushed Yoongi. Yoongi let go and almost fell to the ground thanks to Hoseok and Namjoon  for catching him on time. Everyone started staring and gathering seeing a fight starting. All seven of the guys' eyes flared. And so did Chanyeol and his friends. "Fucking bastard!!" Chanyeol yelled while he was getting pulled back by Kai and Baekhyun, preventing him from fighting and getting hurt. Yoongi stood up and punched Chanyeol in the face hard. He fell and landed on the ground with a thud.

I tried running for his aid. He got knocked out cold. "Ch-Chanyeol!!" I tried shaking him but he wouldn't wake up. Before I tried doing anything more Yoongi grabbed me and dragged me away. I saw everyone trying to help Chanyeol. But I couldn't do anything.

Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. I looked at Baekhyun and Xiumin who was helping Chanyeol to the nurse's office. Chanyeol was always there for me, he cared for me, he was there even if he had problems himself. He would always put me first, but I didn't do that for him.

I had no choice and followed Yoongi with the rest closely following from behind. We found an alley near the school. Yoongi threw me harshly to the floor. I sat there scared and afraid for Chanyeol. They all looked at me and Yoongi leaned down until his face was at my level. "See that little stunt your friend did? He payed the price. He's just lucky"

My eyes widened, lucky? What does he mean by lucky?! I started getting more angry the more I thought about it. Yoongi sat down across from me and started sleeping.

Jin walked towards me and tried grabbing my arm. I flinched it away just in time. But he wasn't having any of it. He grabbed it harshly and examined it with a scoff. I was going to keep silent but I couldn't at the moment. "You fucking bastards!! What the fuck is wrong with all of you?!" I choked back a sob as I remembered about Chanyeol. "You all are monsters..." I said in a whisper, Jin looked at me more angrier than before.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" He placed his hand on my mouth. I obeyed, I looked up and saw everyone else pointing at Yoongi who was fast asleep. "Wake him up and you're going to get something worse then this scar" Jin lets go and stands back up.

I looked at Yoongi sleeping, he lookd so innocent for a guy that could have caused this. I looked at the scar he left then back at him. He reminded me of someone.

I looked down and tried calming down. But a shadow came across my face. I didn't want to look up and see their faces. But his hand grabbed my chin and pulled it up making it face him. I saw Taehyung and we both locked eyes before the bell rang. He let go, he looked at me and pointed at Yoongi. "Wake him up.."

I looked at Yoongi then at my scar. I guess I didn't have a choice. But I was afraid, I shook him a bit hoping he would wake up. He opened his eyes and grabbed my neck, choking me. "You fucking bitch! Why the fuck did you wake me up?!" He yelled. "I-it's time t-to g-go back.." I tried saying between breaths.

He let go and I caught my breath finally as I heard the others laugh. What a sick game their trying to play..am I just a toy to them?!"
Yoongi made a gesture towards my hand and I flinched it away. He looked at me and gave me a deathly glare. "Do you want to try that again?" He asked. I stood up and he gestured for my hand a bit impatient.

I thought to myself that i've had enough. I looked at them all and pushed through. I finally escaped and ran as fast as I could to the doors. Yes I pushed through lots of people. I looked behind me and saw all seven of them chasing me with angry looks.

I knew that if they caught me I would be dead. But I had a plan that I hope will work. I made it inside and ran straight to the girls washroom. I  locked the door and went into an empty stall and locked it. I heard their banging through the door but it suddenly stopped.

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