~••What we've gone through••~

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*sensitive content ahead*
You have been warned

He starts ripping apart the shirt I had which broke in only seconds. "STOP!!" I yelled. I was left in my undergarments with pieces of the ripped shirt all over me. "STOP IT!! HELP!!"

I tried kicking and pushing but he won't move. "Stop making this hard!!" He said. "Chun-Seol! Stop it!" He looked at the other guard who was standing near the doorway. "Its fine as long as you don't tell!" He said as he continued trying to grab me still.

I had tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I can't stop him. I'm too weak and he's too strong. Thats how its supposed to be anyways.

I'm just a toy

Me and the guys went out to finish up some business. I was tired as hell and couldn't wait to go back home and sleep. Until I remembered they placed her in my room, and in my bed.

I didn't like it at all, yet I wanted her to stay there. I groaned at my mixed emotions. I was never good at showing them anyways. So I try to show it in a different way.

I sat at the back of the limo looking out the window. "Yoongi?" I turned to see Jungkook there looking at me with a blank expression. "What do you want?!" I say back. "If y/n is sleeping in your room, then where are you going to sleep?" I thought about it again. "I don't care as long as I get to sleep.." I say finally.

We finally arrived and got out. Everyone stretched their hands while walking inside. The maid we had opened the door for us and we walked inside. I got annoyed when a guard ran up to us. "M-master! S-she..escaped!!"

His words lit flames. "What?!" I said. "Where is she?!" Everyone yelled at once. "C-Chun-seol...he's doing something..b-bad!" The guard says as he points upstairs.

I saw the look on everyone. They were as angry as me. But they don't know how special she is too me. They don't know how she could fill the void in my heart. They don't know how i'm still living.

I immediately knew what he meant. I sprinted upstairs and went through the dark corridor with everyone following close behind. "This can't be happening.." I say. I yell in anger, if anything happened to her. I wouldn't forgive myself. I wouldn't forgive anyone.

I sprint downstairs and punch open the door making my hand bleed. But I didn't care, because the sight I saw was worse. The shirt I gave her..ripped open. Leaving her in her undergarments. And worst, one of the guards' hands on her. Touching her, holding her.

I hear her screams for help. My anger was never this severe. I grab the whip that lay on the floor and move behind Chun-Seol. I wrap it around his neck making him step backwards. "You motherfucker!" He said as he spun around with a fist about to land on me. I luckily caught it.

His eyes widened in fear. "M-master!! I-I can explain!" He said with tears forming. "You touched my things...I told you not too yet you disobeyed!" He whimpered in fear for a small moment when a smile appeared on his face. "Fine kill me..At least I know what you've been through. At least I know you're going to suffer more then me. At least I die knowing I had someone who loved me. You're just a monster who's trying to search the whole of your void. With anything means necessary. Whether that means killing people and keeping them"

I grabbed him tighter hearing his words come out of his bastards mouth. "At least you all suffer worse then me. You know what Min Yoongi?! I'm glad she left you, I'm glad she left all of you! For someone better!"

Just as he said those words I snapped. I pinned him down on the floor and grabbed the closest weapon I could. I stabbed his eyes then cut his throat making blood spill all over me.

I stabbed him repeatedly until his head came off. My breathing was uneven. I felt dizzy. I turned to look at the guys then lastly at y/n. Her face struck with tears. "Please..don't cry.." then I felt my body become heavy.

Everything happened so quickly. I was struck with fear. I looked at Yoongi who was decorated with blood. He looked at the guys who also looked a bit shocked. Then at me. He had tears in his eyes. "Please..don't cry.." that was the last thing he said when he fell. Luckily Jungkook and Hoseok were there to catch him.

Hoseok picked Yoongi up. "Y/n are you alright?" He said which made everyone look. "I-I don't know.." they all looked at Yoongi and me. "We'll talk later.." He said as he carried Yoongi upstairs with Jungkook and Jin by his side to help.

"C'mon Y/n..lets get out of here.." he said as he walked towards me. "W-wait! What about Krystal?!" I ask as I pointed towards the wall. "Ignore her..lets go!" He said getting a bit annoyed. "No! I'm not leaving without Krystal!"

I looked at her body hung on the wall. "You see..she did some things that we can't forgive..we can talk later! Whats important is that you come with me!" He said. I looked at Krystals body one last time before leaving with them.

"Here wear this.." Jimin said handing me his jacket. "T-Thanks.." I say as he helped out it on. They escorted me up stairs and into the living room. "Want anything?" Taehyung asked.

I shook my head still traumatized about what happened. "Please...tell me..whats going on. Actually!" I say. He sighs and walks towards me sitting beside me. "You see..we have this anger we bottle up. We show it a lot because there are cracks in us that we can't fix. We're trying too though. The anger we bottle up, we need to let it go. Take it out on something. Because the more we bottle it up the more worse it will make our mental state. Like its already not worse. The point is, we do these things to help ourselves cope with what we've been through."

I nod slowly, "when we were younger..we didn't know each other..yet. But when we did we all had a lot in common. Have I ever told you that I almost murdered my family?..my father abused me a lot..hit me, cut me. He even cut parts of me skin for a punishment..I wanted it to end. And i've never been taught anything properly so the only way I knew how was by violence. Murder..if I didn't do anything..I don't think I would be alive..I don't any of us would be alive if we didn't do anything.."

He sighs and looks at me. "I shouldn't be telling you this but, when Hoseok was little, he was left alone to strive for himself. He didn't learn properly either. He was left alone when he was around 7 years old. He stole things from others. His anger got the best of him. It devoured him. It devoured all of us, you might just see us as, bastards, killers, cold hearted. And you're right. We are all those things and more. We can't change what we already are. We're just trying to fix ourselves from the mistakes we made."

He looks at me. "So please...if we treat you wrongly even after what happened..we're sorry.."

He stand up and turns to look at me one more time. "Think of it this way..if you were a child..and you lost your mother, but you thought you found her but realized its not her. But she looks so much like her... you still keep searching until you find her..its kinda like that for us..but a but more confusing.."

He left me there thinking.
What have they gone through?

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