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I sat down still with her in my hands. She looked so delicate. I wanted to stay like this forever, but sadly it didn't last long.

"What happened?!" Hoseok yelled. "Jin threw a dagger! It almost his her, but scraped her side face instead," I replied while glaring at Jin who looked a bit guilty. "Jin?! Why the fuck would you do that?!" Jimin yelled.

"Don't talk to me that way!! I got an idea" he said which caught everyones attention. "Jimin go to the office and tell them that we have to go home for an emergency, and don't forget, we're bringing Y/n with us.."

Everybody thought about it at first, even I thought it would be a bad idea, its the only way it could work. Jimin nodded and left leaving all of us in silence. "Yoongi, help me with y/n.." Yoongi walked over and held her bridal style.

After a few moments Jimin came back, "they said we can go...but we need to hurry the clock is ticking.."

Everyone agreed and we all did what we had to do.

~time skip~

I woke up with a headache. I groaned because of a bit of pain I don't even remember having. I felt where I am, it felt soft and comfortable. I managed to open my eyes and see that I was on a red silk bed. My eyes widened. Where am I?!?! I yelled in my head.

I looked beside me and saw all my things, including the clothes I wore, then what am I wearing now? I looked down to see me wearing a really oversized shirt. I covered my mouth. This can't be.

I got out of bed and opened the curtains. I was in the middle of the fucking forest!! And I was on the second floor of a insanely large mansion.

I stepped back holding my head thinking that I'm just hallucinating. "T-this can't a-actually be h-happening..r-right?!" I say as my voice quivers at the thought.

I go to the bathroom that was included with the room and looked at the mirror. Then I realized a bandage on the side of my head, I tapped it and it hurt. I winced at the little pain.

Then all the memories came flooding back in my head. I got cut by Jin's dagger and fainted! Then the thought about being at their house started flooding it. "It is happening..shit.."

Who's room am I even in?! I think. I look around and tried searching for anything that might indicate an answer. But the only thing I found was a bathroom a closet and a huge black grand piano.

I tried looking at the bed side tables and saw nothing but cigarettes. I never knew they smoke. A bottle of alcohol and...a ripped photo. I grabbed the picture frame to take a closer look. The middle of the photo was cut out. But the all the boys were inside. Namjoon was hugging Jin, Hoseok was smiling, strangely his smile was shaped like a heart which made me feel...happy. Jimin was hugging the once was middle photo. So was Taehyung and Jungkook. But the closest to it was, Yoongi. They all looked so happy, I wonder what happened.

I wonder what made them like this..something pretty bad. They look so innocent and happy. Their spirits were bright and joyful. Lots of questions started swirling through my head. Who was the person in the middle? Who broke them? And why are they acting like this?

The person in the middle was the only shot I had to solving everything. But I'm not even close. I placed the picture frame back down since it didn't help at all. I looked at the insanely large window and outside. The room was so big for just one person. Maybe a person who just likes being alone.

I sigh and headed towards the large wooden door. I wonder if they're still here. I open it slightly and saw a large hall. I opened it enough for me to slip through and I closed the door quietly behind me. I walked towards the stairs down the hall. I heard nothing and saw nothing. Everything was so empty for a beautiful place.

I walked down the stairs and then heard voices. "Do you think she's awake?" I froze and listened closer. "Maybe..but I don't want to disturb her..the masters will kill us...they warned like how many times to just make sure she doesn't leave..and no one touches her."

Masters?! Are they talking about the boys? "Aww c'mon! Lets have a bit of fun! Did you even see her?! She looked so beautiful! No wonder the masters want her..she looks just like her! And besides they're not here! No one will see anyways, so what do you say?" My breath started going faster as they spoke.

I started running the opposite direction. I can't let them catch me I just can't. I walked down a dark corridor with no windows. It lead to a big metal door. I opened it and it lead down a dark set of stairs. I was doubting if I should go or not. But then I heard them yell. "SHE ESCAPED!!" I didn't think twice and ran down the stairs.

I was walking down until a soft light was lit at the bottom of the stairs. I entered the tiny room and felt a string touch my face. I grabbed it and pulled it. It immediately illuminated the whole room. What I saw shocked me.

Three bodies, all dead, all ripped apart..all girls..then I heard a whimper in the corner of the room. I turned and saw a girl hanging there by her legs and hands. The marking on her body looked like she's been whipped almost to death. I starred in horror.

She was still alive (barely). Then I noticed the walls were holding whips with sharp points and normal whips. A table full of knives and daggers. The walls were decorated in blood.

She looked at me all mangled. "P-please..help me.." she said barely. I walked towards her. Her face looked familiar. Our eyes met and I remembered. "K-Krystal??!!!" She looked desperate, the fresh tear streaks in her eyes were endless. "Y-Y/n?!?! P-please! H-help me!!" She asked desperately.

"K-Krystal! What happened to you?!?!" She cried more harder. "P-PLEASE!! JUST HELP ME!! IT HURTS SO BAD!!" She said as she yelled in pain. "P-please don't tell me the monsters are back..p-please.." she said between sobs.

"I don't know how to help you!! I-I'm sorry!"

She looked behind me and her eyes widened. "Y\N! Look out!!" She said. I turned and got pinned down towards the table that once held all the weapons. I looked up and saw the guard from before talking about me.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Now that i've found you here, we can have our fun."

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