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Me and Kai went back when the bell rang and to never speak of what happened ever again. I went to go get my things I left but I got blocked by the screaming fangirls.

I groaned at how stupid this was. I looked at the seven boys they were crowding around. They were the exact guys that I met. At least some of them, and coincidentally, their lockers are beside mine. I was jam packed between all of them.

I pushed through the crowd just to get to my locker and thankfully made it. It was obviously blocked by girls flirting with the guys. Jungkook was enjoying the attention he has captured from everyone, especially the girls.

I pushed the girl that was leaning on my locker away and she obviously didn't like that. "Wow what a basic bitch, just because I was talking with Jungkook oppa you push me?" She scoffed and walked away. And that was the first time I ever heard Jungkook speak to me.

"What's your problem?" I looked at him and his eyes were staring right back at me. He looked really angry. I was angry too but I decided to stay calm. I ignored him and his questions which made him annoyed.

The bell rang before he could do anything and I immediately ran for the next class.


The first time I laid my eyes on her..I was angry and in shock. Does Yoongi hyung know about her yet?

She was stuborn...just like her. She was cute...just like her..she was beautiful..exactly like her..

I couldn't keep my eyes of her. Jimin and Taehyung came in late and did their introductions before they sat beside me. I turned to them both and told them about her. They tried looking if she does look like..a person we used to know, but as stubborn as she is she blocked their view. "She won't let us fucking see!" Jimin said in an angry whisper.

"Ignore it..we'll eventually see her in the hallways so keep your anger at bay for now will you?" Taehyung told Jimin. Until she finally had enough she asked to go to the bathroom but never came back.

I asked a close classmate what her name was.
"Oh her? Umm I think it was Y/n, why?" I thanked him and went back to my seat with a wide smile. What a beautiful name...

The bell rang and I went to my locker. Obviously everyone came to bow down to my feet and I enjoyed the attention. A girl came up to me so I decided to flirt since she was stupid enough. Finally y/n arrived and pushed the girl away ruining my fun.

I looked at her angrily and annoyed. "Whats your problem?" She just looked at me and I finally got a clear view of her face. She was beautiful...I pushed away the stupid thoughts out of my head as fast as I could. I asked her again and she just ignored me. Before I could pin her down the bell rang and she ran off. "Fuck.." I cussed under my breath.

But I remembered a small detail. I wasn't going to be the only "new kid" in the class with her..I didn't know how to feel. Scared or happy, but all I knew was that we found what we were looking for in a long time.

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