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My heart stops beating, my breathing starts getting faint. I look at her with tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes.

I don't see Y/n but instead. I see her. The girl I once loved and still do. Her face was angry filled with tears but not as much as mine.

The words she said was the last words she said to me before she left me. I finally blinked making the tears and my memory of her disappear. I could finally see Y/n and her hands holding my face gently.

I finally started full out crying laying my head on her shoulder trying to find the affection I thought I lost. Still yearning for that same affection.

The affection I was given before, was all fake. I want to feel real love. Y/n was the first person I actually feel like I can have real love.

I remember the way she treated me, how she started acting cold around me. I started crying harder. Then I felt two hands wrap around my back. Then a soft comforting voice. "Jungkook..whats going on with you...please don't cry...." Y/n's voice suddenly stopped my tears.

"You're going through a lot, I understand that, but please..I forgive you, you just misunderstood a lot. I forgive you Jungkook, please stop crying, for me.." I hugged her back which caught her by surprise. "Y/n...i'm sorry for everything i've done to make you cry, to hurt you, i'm sorry."

We both hugged and I hugged her so tight that she stepped back towards the wall. We both stopped and I looked at her. "About what I said..." I finally said. She looked at me and smiled. "Jungkook I would love too.."
I smiled as wide as I could, I never even knew how happy I could feel.

"But.." My smiled faded as she said that one word. "But what?! Do you have a boyfriend?! Cause I will do anything!" I say. She shushes me and speaks. "What will the others think about this? Have you considered that yet? And I have doubts, I might get hurt again, I don't want to get hurt." She says.

I finally realized, they would kill me. Memory's started flooding in my head, and I made my decision. I looked at Y/n and smiled. "Both you and I have been hurt in the past, we both know what it feels like, so we both know how to treat each other right. Don't worry! We'll keep it secret you and I.." I say as I did a shush gesture at her.

She smiled faintly and I hugged her tightly as I whispered in her ear. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise"


Everything went so quickly, me and Jungkook are..together? He makes me feel safe around him, he actually makes me happy. Not like the others.

If it ends badly I can't forgive myself
I won't forgive myself.

~time skip~

Yoongi texted me to wait at the front of the school, as I was walking I bumped into Chanyeol and Chen. "Oh Y/n! Want to come with us? We're going to karaoke!" I smiled sheepishly at them. "Sorry I can't I have plans by myself tonight. But I'll join you guys another time if you guys don't mind" they both look at each other before responding. "Ok sure whatever you want, see you, text me when you get home" Chanyeol says as they walk away.

I ran towards the front and saw Yoongi there with Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon. I walked towards them. "Wheres Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook?" I ask getting a tiny bit worried.

They looked at me and shrugged. "They're always late so its normal." Namjoon says.

I find a nearby bench and sit down. I grab my phone and text Jungkook.

Y/n: where are you? Everyone else is waiting outside the front door, hurry up please i'm getting worried..

I waited a few minutes but still he hasn't replied at all. Which didn't help.

I sat there just waiting until Hoseok walked over. He sat down beside me I tried leaving but he grabbed my wrist before I could take a step. "Y/n..can we talk? Please?" He says.

I think about it at first. What he did last time flashed in my head. I looked at him, he looked at me with begging eyes. "F-fine.." I say as I sit far away from him as possible. "Listen I know what I did was wrong, it was something that shouldn't be forgiven but...please can you forgive me? I'm sorry, I don't want you to think of me that way. I just want to see you happy." He says.

I was about to say something when I decided to make an excuse to go to the bathroom. "I-I'm sorry Hoseok but I need to go to the bathroom." I say. I ran up and dashed inside, I walked around to get some space away from them, but I heard faint yelling. I turned the corner but still made sure to stay hidden. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! YOU ACTUALLY THINK YOU CAN KEEP HER ALL TO YOURSELF HUH?!"

The voice sounded familiar. I peeked around the corner only to see Jungkook Taehyung and Jimin. My eyes widened as I saw anger flare in Jimin's eyes. Jungkook was bleeding and all bruised up. "Jimin stop it! He'll die in this state!" Taehyung yelled, I looked at Jimin as he continued punching Jungkook repeatedly.

I ran outside near the front door and grabbed Yoongi's arm. "Please!!" I yelled. "What do you mean?!" Jin yelled. "Its Jungkook!" I yelled. I ran inside with them following behind me. I turned the same corner and saw Taehyung fighting Jimin and Jungkook all wounded.

The guys ran to them. "What the fuck happened?!?!" Hoseok yelled. "Jungkook!!" Yoongi kneeled beside him trying to help him. Namjoon and Jin tried breaking Taehyung and Jimin apart. This is all a nightmare. I ran to Jungkook and tried shaking him trying to wake him up.

"Jungkook! Please wake up!!" I yell. "You think you could actually keep it secret from us Y/n?!?!" I turned to face Jimin with his face all red from blood. "What do you mean?!?!" He chuckled darkly before he spoke.

"You don't mean to tell us that you and Jungkook are secretly together???"

{~Authors note~}
Hello there fellow readers of mine! I thank you guys so much for more then 1k reads on my original version may J-pope be with you all, and don't forget
To vote, again thanks for everything! 🐶💜

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