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Mistake?! What does she mean by mistake?!?!

I groaned again, why does she hate me?! I must be just plain stupid..she'll be mine again..No matter what

~time skip~


I stayed in one of the guys' empty room. I chose Jin's since it always smelled like fresh food. I laid down on his bed which was huge. I closed my eyes but just as I was about to drift to sleep the door opened only to see Jin and Hoseok.

I sat up and looked at them a bit surprised, because Hoseok was in a suit. "Y/n? Why are you in my room?" Jin asks. I started stuttering trying to make an excuse. "Haha its alright you're always welcome in my room!" Jin says with his smile.

I sigh in relief and sit up on the bed. "So why's Hoseok in a suit?" I say. Hoseok shows his heart smile and sits beside me. I move away a bit which made his heart smile disappear. He coughs up to cover up his sadness. "Um we're going to a grand ball tonight..and you're coming with us..since we can't leave you alone obviously.." He says.

I stand up and walk towards the door, as I was about to leave Jin calls my name, "wait Y/n! Theres something waiting for you in Yoongi's room..I almost forgot!" He says. I nod politely and leave. I wonder what he meant.

I walked towards Yoongi's room and knock first, no one answered, I opened the door and it was all normal, the sky was getting dark. "I totally forgot about the ball or party tonight.." I say to myself. I notice so something laying on the bed. I walk over and gasp as I see a dress, it was crimson with gold linings of a cherry blossom design on it.

It was so beautiful. There was a note beside it, I picked it up and read it.

Wear this and come downstairs or else we'll be late.. -Yoongi

I wore it and did my hair and makeup and looked in the mirror. I gasped at how I looked. How much does this dress even cost. I looked at the note again. It didn't say anything else until I turned it around. It had another message.

I bought it just for you princess -???

I don't know who '???' Is, it can't be Yoongi..could it? Or could it be the other guys? I ignored it and tucked it in my pocket.

I walked out of the room and walked downstairs, there I saw the guys all in suits, they all turned to look at me, their eyes widened as I quickly made my way down the stairs. I felt myself blushing. Their gasps and shocked faces turned into smiles.

They all gathered around me and I tried hiding my face or escaping but a arm wrapped around me and pulled me which ended up me up with Jimin. His eyes looked down on me, in a way I've never seen before" he whispered in my ear, "don't show too much princess..I might get even more jealous.." he said which didn't help my blushing situation.

I pushed him off of me, "lets go we might be late.." I say. Everyone agrees. They all look so happy and normal, I look at each one of them and remember what they could be capable of. I shiver went up my spine, what even is the reason for this 'party'?

I looked over at Jungkook, he was just glaring at me and Jimin. He must still be angry, I shoved it off and went outside with the guys to the limo.

Hoseok opened the door for me and I stepped in, the limo looked so big and fancy, I honestly haven't been in this kind of limo in my life.

I sat in the corner beside the window, nothing could possibly go wrong, right? I sigh, whenever I feel like that something absolutely goes wrong, Jimin plops down beside me, Jungkook was facing me across.

Jimin slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. "Y/n..about before..and what I said..I'm sorry I just lost control of myself..can you forgive me? Its a party tonight after all and its really important, and I wanna see you have fun!" He says with a smile.

I smiled sheepishly at him, "sure..thanks." I say as I look back at the window. "Aww c'mon you're not happy yet! Can I at least see a proper smile?" He says. I turn to him and see him pulling his own cheeks which made me laugh and smile. He finally smiled with satisfaction and hugged me tighter. He made my head lean on his chest. He looked over at Jungkook with a smile. I looked at Jungkook who was snarling at Jimin.

I looked at Jimin a bit worried about what Jungkook would do, me and Jimin were just having fun. "Sleep for the mean time princess..its going to be a long ride.." he says in his soothing voice. I nod lightly and place my head on his chest and drift to sleep.


After I knew what Jungkook did, I only had the urge to get what was mine back. Its normal, he stole it, I get it back, no matter what. Now that I have what I wanted I looked at Jungkook with a smirk in triumph.

I mouthed to him, she never belonged to you in the first place.. it only made him get even more angry, but what can he do? He's useless in this, he's weak. He's always been weak.

I caressed Y/n's face and hair. She looked so beautiful in that dress. I hope she liked that little message I left in the back of the note.

I smiled, I leaned beside me and asked Jin if Y/n knows the real reason of the 'party'. He shakes his head and I smile wider. The real reason for this so called 'party' was for a bloodshed. Of course Hoseok Jin and Namjoon wanted to go.

Because they know what it felt like to kill countless of people already. Now they want to see it for themselves, betting on who's going to die who's going to live was the only game we've been playing all these years.

Now that Namjoon Jin and Hoseok were gone they wanted to know who took their place as champion. I found out early, and I think Y/n's going to enjoy the performance very much.

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