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~time skip~
Chanyeol and Baekhyun dropped me off at my place and said goodbye. "See you tomorrow y/n , just try and ignore the news for now..Things will turn up soon enough..and avoid those guys.." Baekhyun said to me along with a hug.

They both waved goodbye and left. I closed the door and looked at my phone still wondering how it got into the hands of the devils little angels. I smirked at the nickname, it suited them.

I placed my phone on the counter and went to go shower. After I dried my hair and everything else I grabbed my phone only to see one message. It was from an unknown number. I looked at the message. "You're supposed to be dead..." My eyes widened. I didn't know who sent it. As I read it I dropped my phone on the counter which made me cuss under my breath.

Why? Who sent this and why am I being sent this? I don't even know what this person is talking about! I deleted the number, hoping that I ended it. I calmed down by drinking a glass of water and going to bed.

This can't be real..it just can't..
~time skip~

I woke up the next morning and checked my phone again. No messages, I sighed in relief. I went to go do my morning routine. After I had time left to spare before going to school. I looked at my phone and looked out the window. The cherry blossoms looked so beautiful. I smiled, but remembered about what could happen today.

It was time to leave so I got my things and went outside. I decided to walk since it was nice out. I took the shortcut from before and remembered everything that happened. Before I knew it I arrived at school and was met with Chanyeol and Kai who was arguing about who was better looking.

"Oh good morning Y/n!" Suho said. I smiled, "good morning.." he ran behind me and gave me a back hug. "You're so down lately! C'mon lighten up!" I laughed while he hugged me tighter. "You're getting so skinny! You should eat more! Or else i'll stuff food in your face!" I laughed and he let go. "Guess my job here is done!" He said while walking off. I sighed, until I heard the oh so familiar screams of the stupid fangirls, which signaled that they're here.

I groaned I needed to leave before they notice. I look over and just as I suspect they're there loving the attention they're getting, at least some of them. 

I walked away trying to make them not notice, which happily worked. As soon as my feet landed inside the building I raced up the stairs to the roof. I opened the door and closed it with hot air hitting my face as I walked towards the edge of the roof. I sat down looking from below. Wondering what was actually going on.

How I was included in all this, how they're acting so weird and creepy. How everything is changing so rapidly. I groaned with the amount of questions I had stuck in my head. I couldn't take this.

I looked down once more looking at the group of boys. I counted them off one by one since I had nothing else to do with my time. There was Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and..I recounted again. But Jungkook was no where to be found. I looked down again and noticed two silhouettes turn a corner. I followed them and looked down again only to see Jungkook with another girl making out.

I guess my first impression of him was right. He is a fuckboy. I sighed in disappointment. I walked back and stared at the group of boys still talking to their fangirls. Until someone caught my eye. I looked down and saw Taehyung starring right at me. I fell backwards, he just stared at me. I remembered his face, it was so creepy. I looked again and he disappeared. I looked if he was with Jungkook but the only thing I found was Jungkook still making out.

I stood up. I swear he was starring right at me now he's gone. I took a step back and hit something, or someone. I froze as two hands slipped on my hips, and a hot breath going closer to my neck.

I flinched as his lips touched my skin. Until I heard his voice, deep and soft. "What are you doing up here? Its dangerous..you don't know what could happen. Luckily I saw you.."

I turned around slowly only to be met with Taehyung's eyes. "Hello kitten.." As much as I hate the nickname I couldn't move his hands moving towards my back and holding me tighter.

"T-Taehyung..let me go.." I looked up at him and his smiled faded and was instantly replaced with a frown. Before I could push him off he grabbed both my wrists and pushed me towards the wall, grabbing a big chunk of my hair pulling it hard making my yell. But he covered my mouth and glared at me. I didn't see him this angry before.

He looked at me with pure anger. "This is all your fault! You don't know how much you've hurt me! You fucking bitch!! I can't forget what you did! You ruined everything!"

I slapped him making him let go and almost fall to the ground. "You sick fuck! What's wrong with you?!" He looked at me, his face dark. "M-me? Haha...." he let out a dark laugh. "You think i'm sick?! You almost killed me! You killed my family! You killed everyone we loved just because you thought it was fun?! You thought it was a joke!! And yet you call me the sick fuck...look who's talking.." he said walking towards me.

"We got a nice plan for you..you can't escape us again..y/n.. you can't escape that easily now that you're alone..now that he left you..."

I looked at him all confused. I don't know what he was talking about, I started thinking he has a mental illness.

"You can't fucking run away...you're supposed to be dead...you're suppose to die.."

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