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This was going to far, if I can't trust anyone there why am I there?! That room was nothing more then a mad house.

I left with the chance I got. I quickly ran outside, there was no turning back no one I could trust. I pushed open the door but got pushed back.

I looked up and saw Hoseok and Jin and Namjoon all looking down at me. "Fuck..." I say. They look at me and picked me up. I kick both Hoseok and Jin down as they groan in anger. I try pushing for the door again but Namjoon grabs my arm. "Where do you think you're going again...we have some things to deal with you but right now we have to keep you safe...things are about to get..dangerous."

He says, he holds my wrist tighter as he stares at the hallway only hearing yells of agony and help. I don't know what's going on in there but Deep down inside me I want to go help. They don't really deserve this. I look at Namjoon who wouldn't take his eyes off me. "Please promise me you won't leave me...please?" He says with begging eyes.

I couldn't look away from his eyes already filling up with tears. "I can't promise Namjoon...i'm sorry..." I say. He lets go of my wrist and finally helps Jin and Hoseok. "Y/n..please we won't hurt you! Just don't leave again.." Jin says trying to convince me. "I-I-" before I could finish Hoseok walks over and grabs my arm and whispers in my ear. "I don't want you to leave Y/n..I don't want to hurt you like before...if you leave The punishment will be worse..and I don't want that so please...don't leave for me.."

He lets go and turns around like nothing happens. I had a choice, follow them or go back to a life of freedom. I turn to the door and open it but look back and see them looking at me. "Y/n..." was the only thing he said before I left..

I ran to the bus stop and it started raining. As the rain fell so did my tears. Everything i've been through everything i've seen. The guys...they had feelings for me. And maybe I had some for them...I can't tell.

The rain seemed like it would never cease. Until I felt the rain stop. I looked up and saw an umbrella. I looked to the side and saw Yoongi standing there. He sat down beside me and hugged me tightly. "Why are you crying with the rain?" He said in a tired voice. "Why did you leave me again?" He said. "Y-Yoongi...the guys are in trouble.." I say. "I know they are...but I have a choice...Stay here with you and leave them to die..or save them.." he says without making a single expression.

"Save them!" I say instantly. He stands up and hands me the umbrella. As I take it he takes my hand and kisses it. "I will save them Y/n because I know that's what you want...I still love you with all my heart and nothing can change that..the girl I fell in love with before was nothing compared to you and guess what? Without her I wouldn't have even met you...Take this.." he hands me the umbrella and smiles giving me his gummy smile. I stand up, "Y-Yoongi what are you saying?!" I say. "Y/n...I love you so much...I know I will meet you again...I will make you mine once and for all...I will find you..like I said in the beginning. You can't run away from me, I will find you no matter where you are in the world...no matter how long it takes.."

His words hit me hard every time. My heart started to ache. He grabs my waist and pulls my chin up, the sudden movement making me drop the umbrella making us exposed to the rain. The water drops hitting us softly. Yoongi pulls me close for a passionate kiss.

His kiss was not long lasting since he stopped shortly after. "I know this is a short kiss...because I will save the longer kiss for another time..a more happier one..when I see you again...I love you Y/n."

He lets me go and turns around. "Yoongi wait!" I yell. But he already disappeared in the rain. Tears fell down my face as I remembered his words. He meant them all. I could feel it. I don't want to see him again. It would only hurt. Because if his words were fake. I don't know what to think.

~time skip~

I went into the airport bathroom. I took off my jacket and heard something fall. I turned around and looked on the floor and saw a pile of cash and a note.

~Y/n...I'll wait for you...i'll always wait for you here...~Jungkook

I held the note tightly. I put in my pocket and hope that this was for the best. I got out and boarded my plane. I finally escaped, but still feel like this isn't the end..

End of Book 1

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