Chapter 3

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After exchanging numbers with her new friends, Lauren walked towards her car and found Taylor already waiting for her.

"What happened to your hand?" Taylor asked as she looks at the elastic bandage on Lauren's wrist.

"I fell" Lauren answered as she shrugged. "How's your first day?"

"It was fine, actually" Taylor smiled.

"Good.. wanna get some ice cream?" Lauren asked and Taylor nodded with excitement in her eyes.

"Should we call Chris?" Lauren asked as she stepped inside her car.

"Nah.. he's with Noah" Taylor answered while closing the car door.

"That boy creeps me out.." Lauren sighed.

"Why?" Taylor fastened her seatbelt

"He's just... I don't know. Too nice? And he's always happy and smiling.." Lauren answered

"He's into you.. it's obvious. That's why he's being nice to Chris and I" Taylor said as she rolls down the car window.

"Too bad. I'm not into him" Lauren chuckled while she drives the car away from school.

"He's cute.. sweet and warm" Taylor said and Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Still not my type.."

"What IS your type?" Taylor asked

"I don't have a type.. but I like someone who always smells good with soft skin and warm hands" Lauren answered.

"I think you're describing a girl" Taylor chuckled "are you into girls now Lauren?"

"No.. " Lauren scoffed

"Okay.. if you say so" Taylor sang

"Why do you guys always assume that I like girls.. I'm not a lesbian!" Lauren exclaimed.

"You don't have to be a lesbian to like girls.. and you have a dick.. guys will freak out when they found out that you have that thing.. I mean where are they gonna put their di..."

"Don't!" Lauren interupted "Don't say it" Lauren sighed

"I'm sorry" Taylor whispered. She knew that it was an issue for Lauren.

Lauren ran her fingers through her raven black hair and sighed "It's fine Tay, you have a point"

"So, you gonna try it?" Taylor asked

"Try what?"

"Dating a girl.."

"You guys are always pushing me to date a girl.. In some families, same sex relationships are forbidden" Lauren said as she parks the car at the ice cream shop.

"But we're not those kind of family.. we're just.. I don't know.. helping you?"

"Ok I get it.. I'll try. Can we eat ice cream now?"

"Your treat!" Taylor yelled as she excitedly exit the black audi.


"Mom! We're home!" Taylor yelled before closing the door behind her.

"In the kitchen!" Clara yelled back

Lauren and Taylor walked towards the kitchen finding their mom and dad seated on the dining table with a stranger having coffee. They gave their parents a kiss on the cheek before smiling at the guest.

"Girls.. this is Alejandro Cabello.. our neighbor" Mike introduced the man who was smiling at his daughters. "This is Lauren and Taylor"

"Wow.. they're beautiful. Nice to meet you girls" Alejandro smiled. "I have a daughter too.. I think she's the same age as you" Alejandro smiled at Lauren.

"Oh.. maybe she and I can be friends. Where is she?" Lauren smiled.

"So.. I should be heading back." Alejandro dodged the question making Lauren frown.

"Oh yes.. of course. It was so nice meeting you" Mike smiled and shook Alejandro's hand.

"You too.. see you around" Alejandro smiled before walking out the door.

"That was weird" Lauren blurted out.

"How rude" Taylor added.

"Let him be.. he just lost his wife" Clara said as she carry the cups towards the kitchen sink.

"He told you? You just met him" Taylor asked

"The other neighbors told me.. He lives with her two daughters" Clara said

"They're house is weird.. I mean all the doors and windows are closed" Lauren said as she sat on the kitchen counter.

"Maybe they want some privacy" Mike said

"Is Chris home yet?" Lauren asked and her mom hummed in agreement.

"He's upstairs playing video games with Noah"

"Okay" Lauren mumbled as she pulls out her phone from her back pocket.

Thanks for today :)

No problem.. it's cool hanging out with you :D

Maybe we should hangout on Friday

U asking me out on a date? Lol


I mean with you and the girls

I was kidding

Someone's throwing a party on Friday.

That's awesome! Party it is!

Cool. I gotta go tho. Mom's calling me. See you tomorrow!

"Mom.. can I go to a party on friday?" Lauren asked as she put her phone down on the counter.

"Oh good.. you made friends" Clara smiled.

"So can I go?"

"Of course.. just be home before midnight"

"Can i come?" Taylor asked

"No honey.. parties are off limits in your age" Mike gave his youngest daughter an apologetic smile.

"Okay" Taylor sighed and went to her room

"I'll be in my room" Lauren smiled at her parents before walking towards her bedroom. She took out her vinyl record of The 1975 and played it on her turntable. Soft music echoed in her room making her feel calm and relaxed as she sang along to the lyrics while walking towards her window to open the blinds.

"Oh.." Lauren smiled when she saw the wind blowing the blue cutains out the window. "Finally" Lauren whispered to herself.


Short update

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