Chapter 70

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(Warning :TIME JUMP) year later....

Lauren frowned when she heard soft sobs coming from behind the school bleachers. As soon as the Graduation Ceremony ended, Lauren quickly stood up to approach her girlfriend and congratulate her but Camila ran on the opposite direction.

"Camz" Lauren sighed as she sits next to Camila.

"Go away Lauren" Camila rested her forehead on her knees.

"Your dad is looking for you.. we should be celebrating" Lauren said.

"I'm not in the mood to celebrate. All of this is going way too fast. I don't wanna go to LA" Camila sobbed.

"What? Why?" Lauren frowned.

"I don't wanna be away from you. Long distance relationships don't work Lauren. If you wanna break up with me do it now cause I can't" Camila rambled as she stares at Lauren's eyes.

"Oh my god" Lauren chuckled "THAT is why you're crying?"

"What's so funny? I'm serious Lo" Camila groaned.

"We'll be fine baby" Lauren smiled as she wipes the tears off of Camila's face with her thumb.

"We won't" Camila averted her gaze to the ground.

"Why are you thinking of the negative stuff?" Lauren cupped Camila's cheeks  "Trust me baby.. we'll be fine"

"You don't know that. You'll meet new people. Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with somebody else" Camila sobbed.

"Then our love has gone cold 'cause I'm intertwining my soul with somebody else?" Lauren chuckled.

"I'm serious.. what if it happens?" Camila asked.

"Are you doubting my feelings for you?" Lauren frowned.

"No..No" Camila retorded "No baby.. I'm sorry. I'm just scared"

"Camz baby.. even if I meet someone prettier, hotter or funnier than you...  Which is impossible by the way.. that does not change what I feel for you. I don't care who they are.. they're not you. I love you and I want to be with you. Just you baby" Lauren smiled.


"No more buts.." Lauren cut her off "Don't be scared.. I know you'll do great in LA studying music. We'll talk always and I'll come to you when I can"

"Okay" Camila sighed

"We'll always see each other.. It's just Seattle baby.. just 3 hours away from you. And this is for our future babe" Lauren smiled.

"I know. I'm happy that you already have a job as a photographer. I guess I'm just not used to being away from you"

"Me too baby. I know it sucks. " Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila "Do you wanna know something?"

Camila nodded before resting her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"I love you so much" Lauren whispered. "I can't see myself falling for someone who's not you.. I am all yours Camila Cabello"

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