Chapter 17

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Shawn was talking about his music and love for guitars when Taylor approached their table.

"Excuse me.. uhh Shawn Lily needs to talk to you about the inventory real quick"  Taylor said as she smiles at the group.

"Oh sure.." Shawn stood up "By the way, Taylor these are my friends Camila, Lauren and Noah"

"Hi, nice to meet you all" Taylor smiled but her eyes lingered a little longer at Lauren.

"I'll be back you guys" Shawn left along with Taylor.

"I saw that" Noah smirked.

"Saw what?" Camila frowned.

"Taylor and Lauren sitting on a tree.. K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Noah sang making Lauren chuckle. "You guys were having a staring contest"

"I was just appreciating beauty. Have you seen those eyes?" Lauren whispered.

"Yeah I saw them" Noah sighed as he stares at Lily who was smiling at a customer.

"It's just eyes" Camila mumbled as she plays with her food.

"Sorry about that" Shawn at down next to Camila.

"It's fine, I gotta go though. My sister needs me" Lauren stood up.

"Same.. you're my ride home" Noah stood up.

"But I don't wanna go yet" Camila whined as she leans on Shawn's arm.

"It's okay.. Shawn can give you a ride home, right Shawn?" Noah asked and Shawn nodded.

"Great" Lauren clapped her hands before walking away.


Lauren and Noah stopped by the door and saw Taylor running towards them.

"It was nice meeting you Lauren" Taylor smiled as she hands Lauren a folded paper.

"It was nice meeting you too" Lauren chuckled.

"Call me?" Taylor asked and Lauren nodded.

"Of course"

"Oh and this is for you" Taylor gave Noah another folded paper.

"Lily" Taylor smirked.

"Wow.. thank you" Noah smiled before looking at Lily who was already smiling at him.

"Anyway, see you guys around?" Taylor asked as she bit her bottom lip.

"Yeah of course" Lauren smiled.

"Let's go guys!" Camila pulled Lauren towards the door.

"I thought you're gonna stay?" Lauren asked as she pulls her hand away from Camila.

"I changed my mind" Camila scoffed.

Is she jealous? Well... this is gonna be fun. Lauren thought.

Lauren looked at Noah who was smirking at her. Lauren smirked back before unlocking the car.


As the days passed by Shawn and Camila grew closer together along with Lauren and Taylor.

"So what are you guys gonna sing at the talent show next month?" Dinah asked with excitement in her voice.

"I have nothing in mind" Lauren answered.

"You guys signed up for the talent  show?" Shawn asked as he carries Camila's bag whilst following the group towards the bleachers.

"Yeah.. we arranged a bet too" Dinah wiggled her eyebrows at Lauren.

"What's the bet?" Noah asked.

"If one of us win, Lauren will take us all to their beach house.. and if we lose I'm taking you guys to Barcelona" Dinah answered before flipping her hair to the side hitting Shawn in the face.

"Oh nice" Shawn said as he nodded at Dinah.

"I want you guys to lose. Barcelona is exciting" Noah said while climbing up the bleachers.

"I know Mila's gonna lose. She hates standing in front of so many people" Ally joined in.

"Shit.. I didn't think of that" Camila sighed

"Want me to sing with you?" Shawn asked and Camila's face lit up.

"Seriously?" Camila asked.

"Yeah.. Of course" Shawn smiled.

"Thank you!" Camila squealed as she hugs Shawn.

Dinah rolled her eyes and looked at Lauren "So.. Lauser. Is Taylor coming to the talent show?"

"I don't know.. maybe" Lauren shrugged.

"Have you asked her out yet?" Normani joined in.

"Not yet.. I'm not sure" Lauren sighed. She's still contemplating about asking Taylor out because of Camila.

"Lauren.. she's like a fucking supermodel" Dinah said making Lauren smile like an idiot.

"Yeah she's fucking hot, isn't she?" Lauren chuckled and caught Camila rolling her eyes.


"Speaking of going out" Shawn cleared his throat "Camila are you busy Friday night?"

Camila looked at Lauren with an unreadable expression. Friday nights are usually Lauren and Camila's sleepover. Watching movies and of course making out.

"Uhh no.." Camila answered making Lauren's eyes go down.

"Great.. wanna watch a movie with me?" Shawn asked as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Like a date?" Dinah asked

"Y-yeah.." Shawn stammered.

"Okay" Camila smiled.

"Really.. okay" Shawn smiled back. "I'll pick you up at 7?"

"7 sounds great" Camila smiled.

Dinah and Noah exchanged looks before mouthing what the fuck? to each other. They're the only ones who knows what's been happening between Lauren and Camila.

Lauren's phone broke the silence making Camila shift her gaze on Lauren's phone trying to see who was calling her.

"Hey" Lauren answered smiling.

"I bet it's Taylor if she's smiling like that" Dinah smirked.

Lauren rolled her eyes before turning her back from her friends. "Yeah.. I'll come by after school. See you then"

Lauren hang up the phone before facing her friends again.

"Where you going Lolo?" Dinah asked making Camila snap her eyes at Dinah.

Only I can call her that. Camila thought.

Lauren shrugged.

"You're going to the café? Can I come? I'm craving for some Caramel frappuccino" Ally asked and Lauren nodded.

The bell rang and they all stood up and made their way to their classes. Before Lauren can reach her class she was pulled from the side and into the janitor's storage room.

"The fuck" Lauren groaned as soon as her back hits the wall. "Who the fuck.."

"It's me" Camila cut her off.

"What are you doing? We're gonna be late for class" Lauren asked before Camila crashed their lips together. Lauren gently pushed Camila's shoulder trying to break the kiss.

"What are you doing?! You're with Shawn!" Lauren whispered.

"I just.. I wanna.. I don't know" Camila sighed.

"Then make up your mind" Lauren sighed before walking out the door.


Some of you guys said that you hate Camila in this. And all I want to say is.... you're supposed to.

But everything will change... soon :)

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