Chapter 53

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The gang are busy eating their lunch when Noah broke the silence.

"Has anyone heard from Cole? It's been 3 days since I last saw him" Noah sighed.

"Maybe he's just sick" Lizie replied.

"He's not responding to my texts" Shawn chimed in.

"Same here" Ally sighed.

"You okay Dinah? You're kinda quiet and it's weird" Normani placed her hand on Dinah's shoulder.

"I'm fine" Dinah sighed.

Lauren sat on their table with her tray of food along with Camila.

"Hi guys" Lauren smiled.

"Ow" Camila winced when she sat down beside Lauren making everyone turn their attention to her.

"You okay?" Noah asked and Camila nodded.

"Just sore" Camila replied and Lauren slapped her thigh under the table.

Dinah looked at them weirdly before realization dawned on her "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" She gasped as she points her finger between Camila and Lauren. "You guys totally did it!"

"And she's back" Normani chuckled.

"We did not!" Lauren retorded.

"We totally did" Camila smiled as she nods her head.

"It's obvious.. Lauren's all smiley and Camila's all....sorery" Lizie frowned at her own word.

"That's not even a word" Cat giggled.

"It is.. in my own dictionary" Lizie replied.

"Damn Mila.. your butt is all sore from the spanking?" Dinah smirked.

"Is that your kink Lauren?" Normani chimed in.

"Does Camila like it rough?" Noah leaned in on the table waiting for the answer.

"Stop harassing the couple you guys.. we don't have to talk about their kinks or how it happened.. so Camila..  is it big?" Ally asked making the rest of the group laugh.

"Okay.. that's enough" Lauren shook her head in amusement.

"Stop it you guys.." Camila chuckled.

"By the way, where's Cole?" Lauren asked and everyone shrugged.

"We don't know.. he's not responding to our text or calls" Ally answered.

"Should we call the police?" Cat asked.

"I uhh think we should check his house first" Lizie replied.

"Does anyone know where he lives?" Shawn asked and everyone  shook their heads no.

"Fuck.. how will we find him?" Lauren sighed.

"Let's wait 'til Friday.. if he doesn't show up to school or respond to our calls then we'll call the cops" Ally said and everyone nodded.

"Okay you guys are exaggerating. We can go to the school's office and ask for his address" Noah leaned back.

"That's a good idea" Lauren nodded in agreement.

"He's hiding from us" Dinah mumbled.

"What?" Noah frowned.

"He's hiding from us" Dinah sighed "I reviewed the tape.. he's the one trashing Mila's car and he's the one who smashed the camera"

"What the fuck?" Lauren frowned.

"Why would he?" Camila asked

"I don't know.. I can show you the clips tomorrow. Sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. I was waiting for him to show up so I could confront him" Dinah replied.

"He's the bad guy?" Cat pouted "Oh man, I thought he was cool"

"That asshole" Lizie muttered.

"Oh god" Ally buried her face on her hands.

"I knew there was something off about him" Noah scoffed.

"Let's not jump into conclusions.. maybe he has a valid reason" Ally said and everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"I don't remember picking a fight with him" Camila frowned.

"I'm gonna kick his ass when I see him" Lauren muttered and Camila squeezed her hand.

"Hey.. calm down" Camila smiled softly.

"Calm down?" Lauren looked at Camila in disbelief "how can you be so calm when he's the one wrecking your car and leaving threats.. who knows maybe he's the one who sent you that pig's head"

"She has point Mila" Dinah chimed in.

The bell rang and everyone grabbed their things before walking to their class.

"I'm not gonna let you out of my sight" Lauren whispered to Camila before kissing her forehead.

"I'll be fine.." Camila smiled.

"I'll walk you to class" Lauren intertwined their fingers as they walk through the halls.


You okay?

I'm fine

Stop texting in class!

But you're texting me

And you're also in class!

Because I love you. Now listen to your teacher!

Lauren chuckled but immediately covered her mouth when she realized she's in class.

"Do you have something to share Ms. Jauregui?" Ms. Lovato asked and Lauren shook her head no.

"Nothing Ms. Lovato. I'm sorry" Lauren replied when she felt her phone buzzed.

Keep your eyes on your girl

"What the fuck?" Lauren muttered.

"Language Ms. Jauregui!" Ms. Lovato placed her hand on her hips.

"I'm sorry" Lauren shoved her phone on her pocket.


"Are they gonna kidnap me or something?" Camila frowned as she hands the phone back to Lauren.

"Maybe you should stay here 'til it's safe" Clara suggested.

"Yeah.. We'll protect you" Taylor smiled.

"That's so sweet" Camila smiled. "But I don't want you guys to get into trouble because of me"

"Nonesense.. they mess with you they mess with all of us" Mike stood up to hug Camila.

"Thank you" Camila hugged him back before the rest of the Jauregui family joined the hug squeezing the little brunette in the middle.

"This is nice" Camila chuckled.

"Guys she needs air" Lauren giggled before letting go.

Camila smiled at Lauren's family as they laugh at what Chris' just said.

How did I get so lucky. Camila thought


I'm the only one of me.. Baby that's the fun of me.

Brendon Urie's vocals is ❤❤❤

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