Chapter 27

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Lauren woke up with the sun beaming on her face and a wet feeling on her chest. She looked down and saw a sleeping Camila drooling on Lauren's shirt.

"The fuck.." Lauren muttered as she tried to sit up but Camila held her down as she tightens her arms around Lauren's waist.

"Don't fucking move" Camila mumbled on Lauren's chest.

"You're so.. ugh" Lauren replied with a disgusted look on her face.

"Don't shout" Camila answered. "Ugh.. my head is killing me" Camila groaned as she slowly sit up on the bed removing the lose hair stuck on the corner of her mouth.

"You need to shower Lo" Camila gave Lauren a disgusted look. "You smell weird"

"It's your drool Camz" Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes on me" Camila scoffed.

"Shit.." Camila squinted her eyes when the sun hits her face.
"Fucking hell" Camila muttered as she rubs her temple.

"Can you close the blinds?" Camila ordered Lauren.

"Dinah's right.. you are grumpy in the morning" Lauren replied as she walks toward the window to close the blinds.

"It's my head.." Camila sighed "Did anything weird happened last night?"

"Besides from you confessing your love to me... nothing that I know of" Lauren shrugged.

"I-I what?" Camila stammered.

"You said you love me" Lauren answered.

"I did?"

"Relax.." Lauren chuckled " I was joking.. wash up. I'll meet you downstairs. Dad cooked something for you"

"O-okay.. Thanks"

Lauren sat on bed as she stares at Camila's eyes "You look tensed.. Is it true?"

"W-what?" Camila stuttered.

"Do you love me?" Lauren whispered making Camila gulp.


"I uhh.. I..I" Camila tried to say anything but Lauren's words caught her off guard.

Lauren chuckled before planting a kiss on Camila's forehead "You still have drool on your face" She whispered before walking out the door.

"Holy shit" Camila let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her phone rang on the bedside table making her jump at the sound echoing inside the room. She crawled towards her phone and frowned when an unknown number is on her screen.


No one was talking all she can hear was someone breathing on the other side of the line.


Camila tried again but no one was talking. She sighed before hanging up the phone.



"Smells good Mr. J" Camila smiled as she walks in the kitchen.

"Thank you Camila. Sit down and eat" Mike smiled back while flipping some bacons. "You feeling okay?"

"Better when I took a cold shower.. thank you for letting me stay Mr. and Mrs. Jauregui" Camila smiled as she make herself comfortable on the kitchen stool beside a freshly showered Lauren.

"You're welcome here anytime and Call us Clara and Mike sweetie" Clara smiled as she place a plate of bacon, waffles, eggs and a banana for Camila.

"Thank you"

"Here.." Chris gave Camila a glass of pineapple juice "It will help you a lot with your hangover"

"Thanks Chris" Camila smiled.

"You want some whipped cream with your waffles Camila?" Taylor asked.

Why is everyone being nice today?. Lauren looked at her family with a confused face.

"I would love some" Camila nodded at Taylor smiling.

"Here.." Taylor added some whipped cream on Camila's waffles "It's better when there's a strawberry syrup on it"

"I would love that too" Camila smiled.

"Oh I borrowed some of your clothes.. I hope you don't mind" Camila smiled at Lauren.

"It's fine Camz.. " Lauren smiled back.

Chris and Taylor looked at each other before mouthing 'Camz' as the roll their eyes.

"Good morning everyone!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Noah walking towards them.

"Hey Noah.. breakfast?" Mike held up the plate fulls of waffles.

"I just ate but thanks Mr. J.. I just came here to say that some kid is looking for Camila" Noah said making Camila frown.

"Who?" Lauren asked beating Camila to it.

"I don't know.. He's blonde, skinny, tall around our age" Noah answered.

"He sounds hot" Taylor chuckled earning a glare from Mike.

"I don't know someone who looks like that" Camila answered.

"Well he's outside waiting" Noah replied.

Camila stood up and walked towards the door with Lauren and Noah behind her. She stepped out of the front door before looking from her left to the right.

"No ones here" Camila turned to Noah.

"He was here a minute ago.. I told him to wait here for you" Noah replied.

"That's weird" Lauren frowned.

Something's not right. Lauren thought.


As soon as Camila and Noah left the Jauregui mansion Lauren walked up to her family with her hands crossed on her chest.

"Okay.. what's up with you guys?" Lauren asked making her parents frown.

"What wrong?" Clara asked.

"You guys are being super nice to Camila.. It's weird" Lauren answered.

"We're always nice to your friends Lauren" Mike replied.

"Yeah.. but these two are acting really weird" Lauren pointed at her siblings.

"What? We're just taking care of our sister-in-law" Chris chuckled.

"We.Are.Not.Dating!" Lauren exclaimed "She's just a friend.. I don't like her that way"

"Deniaaaal" Taylor sang.

"Ugh.." Lauren groaned.

"Come on sweetie.. it's obvious. She looks at you like you're the best thing that ever existed" Mike smiled.

"And you look at her the same way" Clara joined in.

"You guys are nuts" Lauren left the kitchen with her family giggling behind her.


Something's comiiiiing

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