Chapter 32

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"You really know how to make a girl fall inlove with you" Camila smiled at Lauren as they walk towards the Cabello house.

"I'm not doing it on purpose" Lauren chuckled.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight" Camila turned to face Lauren.

"Thank you for going out with me" Lauren smiled.

Lauren was about to lean in but someone opened the door revealing Alejandro.

"Good evening girls" Alejandro greeted as he gives Lauren a look.

"Dad" Camila groaned.

"Hi Mr. Cabello" Lauren smiled nervously "I'm sorry for bringing her home late"

"It's fine Lauren" Alejandro smiled.


"Hmm?" Alejandro turned his head to Camila.

"You're kinda interrupting something" Camila replied.

"Oh yes.. yes.. of course" Alejandro stepped back before closing the door.

"You're dad seems..."

Camila crashed their lips together in a soft and passionate kiss.

"Best first date ever" Camila whispered on Lauren's lips.

"See you tomorrow?" Lauren grinned as she wrap her arms on Camila's waist.

"Definitely" Camila smiled before pecking Lauren's lips "Good night Lauren"

"Good night Camila"

Camila closed the door behind her  leaving Lauren feeling all smiley and giddy. As she walks towards her house she looked up at the moon and smiled "Thank you"

As soon as the door is closed behind her, Camila leaned on the door and smiled as she bites her bottom lip.

"You look happier" Alejandro smiled at his daughter.

"I am happy" Camila replied.

"I take it you guys are together now?"

"Not officially.. we're taking things slow" Camila smiled as she walks towards her father. "Good night papa" Camila kissed her father's cheek before walking towards her room.

Camila was taking off her jacket when her phone buzzed.

I miss you already

Camila smiled as she falls on her bed.

God she's killing me.

Just look out your window when you're missing me 💋

Good night beautiful ❤

Good night gorgeous 💕


This is a short update 'cause I don't feel like writing anymore.

I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but this story will be deleted tonight..

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