Chapter 52

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(Okay I'm bot really good at writing smuts so I apologize if I didn't meet your expectations. Anyway......


Lauren woke up and smiled at the prettiest view in front of her. Sleeping Camila is the cutest for Lauren. She admired the way Camila scrunches up her nose when she's asleep, her pefrectly long eyelashes and her plump parted lips.

"You're staring" Camila mumbled snapping Lauren out of her thoughts.

"No I'm not" Lauren chuckled. "I'm appreciating a work of art"

"Smooth" Camila smiled.

"God took his time when he designed you baby" Lauren sang making Camila giggle at her dorkiness.

"Good morning dork" Camila smiled.

"Hi" Lauren smiled back before leaning in for a kiss but Camila leaned back.

"Morning breath" Camila covered her lips with her hand.

"I don't care baby" Lauren gently grabbed her hand and removed it from her lips. "God you're so beautiful"

Camila smiled sweetly before pressing her lips against Lauren's.

"I love you" Camila whispered on Lauren's lips before hovering over the raven haired girl.

Lauren tucked a lose hair behind Camila's ear as she slowly slid her hand inside Camila's shirt to caress her warm skin before drawing small circles on her lower back.

"Your hands are cold" Camila giggled as they kiss passionately.

"I'm sorry" Lauren whispered before sucking Camila's lower lip.

"I love it when you do that" Camila husked before leaning back and pulling off her shirt making Lauren's green eyes widen when she realized Camila was not wearing a bra.

"B-baby" Lauren stammered as she stares at Camila's bare chest.

"A-are they uhh n-not big enough for you?" Camila covered her chest with her arms as she felt self-conscious.

"No!" Lauren retorded "They're perfect baby.. I'm sorry for staring. I was admiring them" She gently removed Camila's arms before pressing her lips on the valley between Camila's breasts.

"Mmmm" Camila moaned as she felt Lauren suck her skin.

"YOU.ARE.PERFECT" Lauren said in between kisses towards her jawline.

They stared at each others eyes before Camila spoke up.

"I want you" Camila's lustful and full of love brown eyes stared deeply into Lauren's.

"Are you sure? Don't you wanna go to dinner first?" Lauren whispered.

"Positive" Camila chuckled. "I wanna feel you"

Those words just made Lauren harder. She grabbed the back of Camila's neck and waist before gently turning them over.

"If you feel uncomfortable let me know okay?" Lauren whispered as she hovers over Camila.

"Okay.." Camila nodded before pulling Lauren for a kiss. Lauren invaded Camila's mouth with her tongue tasting every bit of Camila. She gasped when Lauren accidentally grinded on her covered center.

"You're so hard" Camila whispered on the kiss.

"For you" Lauren whispered back before trailing kisses towards Camila's neck.

"Oh god" Camila moaned when Lauren licked and nibbled on the right spot on her neck. She continued trailing kisses down Camila's chest and stopped.

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