Chapter 26

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Lauren carried a passed out Camila gently upstairs. Before reaching the final step someone blocked Lauren's way.

"Hey Lauren" Lucy slurred.

Great. Lauren thought.

"Is this your new girl?" Lucy asked.

She's so fucking drunk she can't even recognize Camila.

"Please step aside Lucy" Lauren asked nicely but Lucy stayed in her position.

"I'm prettier than her Lauren"

"Nuh uh.. this one's perfection" Lauren replied before kissing Camila's forehead making Lucy frown.

"Whatever" Lucy scoffed as she walks away drinking her cup.

Camila nuzzled her nose on Lauren's neck sending chills down Lauren's spine as they walk towards the rooms. She opened a door revealing the messiest bedroom on earth.

"No" Lauren muttered before walking to another door. This one is clean and neat like no one has used it. She layed Camila gently on the bed before removing her shoes. Lauren was about to walk out to find her friends but something caught her eyes.

A tear rolled down from Camila's closed eye making Lauren feel sad for the girl.

"Mama" Camila whispered as tears began rolling down. "Please don't go"

"Camz" Lauren whispered as she sits down beside Camila.

"Don't leave me.. I'm sorry" Camila sobbed.

Lauren wiped the tears from Camila's face making the small brunette slowly open her eyes.

"Hey Camz" Lauren smiled.

"I love you" Camila whispered before closing her eyes again.

"W-what?" Lauren stammered. She was caught off guard by Camila's words.

"Camila" Lauren called again but the brunette was passed out again.

She loves me... no.. she was dreaming about her mom.. Don't be delusional.. that wasn't for you. Lauren thought.

"Yo! I got the gang they're waiting outside" Dinah walked towards the bed "She okay?"

"Still passed out. Why did you let her drink so much" Lauren sighed.

"Not my fault.." Dinah threw her hands up. "Is that tear stains in her eyes? Did you made her cry?" Dinah glared at Lauren.

"No!" Lauren exclaimed "She keeps calling her mom"

"Oh.. let's take her home" Dinah squeezed Lauren's shoulder before walking out.

"Aren't you going to help me?!" Lauren yelled at the door but Dinah is gone.

"I guess not" Lauren mumbled as she grabs Camila's shoes before picking her up.


"Do you have a key to her house?" Noah asked as he helps Lauren get Camila out of his car.

"No.. maybe it's in her pocket" Lauren starts patting Camila's front pockets but it's empty.

"Uhh..." Lauren stared at Camila's back pocket.

"Oh come on.. we know you want to" Noah smirked as he carries Camila bridal style.

Lauren looked at Camila's driveaway and saw only Camila's car.

"Her dad's gone" Lauren pointed to the Cabello's driveway.

"So?" Noah looked at her confused.

"I don't want her to wake up alone with a hangover" Lauren answered. "She can stay at Dinah's"

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