Chapter 66

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"We need to hurry Mr. Cabello" Cole said while leaning in front of the car.

They were driving in the heavy rain towards the Devil's river hoping to reach Camila in time.

"We can't speed up the road is dangerous. I can't barely see through the windshield" Alejandro replied.

"Stupid fucking rain" Dinah muttered.

"Did you call for help?" Lauren asked and Dinah nodded.

"They're on their way"

"We need to reach her. Water fills up the cave when it rains" Cole said feeling worried and scared.

"Fuck! Are we there yet?" Lauren groaned.

"Stop here!" Cole yelled and Alejandro hit the brakes.

"Let's go!" Cole immediately stepped outside and ran into the woods.

"What are we doing here?" Lauren asked as she follows Cole through the woods.

"This is the shortcut.. we'll get there faster. Just a five minute walk" Cole replied.

"Careful guys it's slippery" Dinah said.

The rain was so heavy and strong that it hurts when it hits your face. But that didn't bothered Lauren, the only thing that's on her mind was Camila.

"We're here!" Cole yelled as they ran out of the woods.

"Where's the cave?" Alejandro frowned.

"Just on top of that rocks" Cole replied as they started climbing on the big rocks.

"Shit.." Lauren hissed when she grabbed the sharp edge of a rock.

"You okay?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah.. just a scratch" Lauren replied as she ignores the cut on her palm.

"Fuck!" Cole exclaimed.

"She's in there?" Dinah frowned as she stares at the half filled cave. "Camila!"

"Camila?!!" Everyone yelled but no answer.

"That's it.. I'm going in" Lauren removed her leather jacket.

"Lauren you're bleeding" Alejandro looked at the blood dripping on her right hand.

"I'm fine Mr. C" Lauren smiled.

"Cole how long til...." Lauren looked behind her but Cole was gone.

"He already jumped in" Dinah said.

"He needs help" Lauren said before jumping in.

Lucky for them the water inside the cave is not flowing. And the water is just above her shoulders.

"Cole?!" Lauren called.

"Lauren here!" Cole replied and Lauren quickly ran towards Cole.

"Oh thank god!" Lauren saw Cole holding Camila.

"I'm here.. baby.." Lauren mumbled on Camila's hair.

"She's passed out.."

Lauren frowned when she saw a cut on Camila's head and some pretty serious bruises on her arms.

"She's cold" Lauren said as she cups Camila's cheeks.

"She's stuck.. I need you to swim underwater and free her leg"

"Ok" Lauren took a deep breath before swimming underwater. Camila's casted leg was stuck between two large rocks. She tried  pushing the rock but failed.

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