Chapter 61

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"What's taking her so long?" Dinah groaned before sitting on a curb at the hospitals parking lot.

It's 7:27 in the morning and the gang are waiting for Lizie to turn up.

"Maybe she didn't get it" Cat sighed.

"She will.. Lizie's the type of person to do everything she can to have something she wants" Shawn chimed in.

"Yeah she is"

Everyone turned their heads to the familiar voice and saw Lizie walking towards them.

"Finally!" Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Did you get it?" Lauren asked and Lizie nodded.

"Easy" Lizie smirk as she pulls the file out of her bag before giving it to Lauren.

"How did you..."

"Don't ask" Lizie cut Noah off.

"Okay.. Nice job" Noah gave Lizie a thumbs up.

"Is it the right file?" Lizie asked and Lauren nodded.

"Everything about Cole and his family is in here.. Great job Liz" Lauren smiled.

"So what now?" Normani asked and Lauren closed the file.

"Now.. we get to visit Cole's home. Let's go" Lauren walked towards her car. "Follow me"

"Aye aye Captain!" Cat exclaimed.


Camila groaned to the sound of keys and a door opening.

"Good morning losers" Dylan smirked.

"Not now mom.." Camila groaned as she grabs a pillow to cover her face.

"Get up!" Dylan yelled startling both Camila and Cole.

"Jesus dude it's too early for yelling and shit" Cole scoffed.

"It's 4 in the afternoon asshole" Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Oh shit.. Mila we overslept" Cole chuckled along with Camila.

"It's a beautiful day outside.. And I was thinking of taking Camila for a stroll" Dylan smirked while Cole's facial expression immediately turned into a serious and worried one.

"Where are you taking her?" Cole asked as he was getting nervous and scared of what his brother's plan with Camila.

"It's none of your business brother" Dylan replied before looking at his guys "Grab her"

Two guys nodded and walked towards Camila, grabbing the small brunette harshly making Camila yelp in pain.

"Woah..woah.. careful with her!" Cole yelled as he pushes one guy off of Camila.

"The fuck is your problem?!" The guy glared at Cole.

"Can't you see her leg is broken?!" Cole replied as he grips the guys' shirt.

"I don't have time for this drama.. grab her gently" Dylan sighed as he waits at the door.

The guys nodded and tried grabbing Camila off her bed carefully.

"No!" Cole exclaimed as he threw a punch on one of Dylan's guys. "Don't fucking touch her!" He yelled while the other guy holds him back before tasing him on his lower back.

"Cole!" Camila exclaimed in panic.

"Oh brother..." Dylan sighed while staring at Cole who was quivering on the floor.

"You're a monster! That's your brother you asshole!" Camila yelled.

"Well.. he let me down. He's no longer my brother"

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