Chapter 21

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After school Lauren quickly walked towards the exit to get ready for her date. But as before she could open the door she heard someone running towards her. Their bodies collided before Lauren could see who it was.

"Shit" Lauren hissed as she sat up on the floor.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't see you"

Lauren looked up and saw Camila groaning as she rubs her butt.

"It's fine Camila.. why are you running?" Lauren stood up and extended her hand to help Camila.

"Austin was chasing me.. I know he's gonna ask me out so I ran away" Camila answered.

"Damn.. everyone wants to be with you" Lauren chuckled.

Except you. Camila thought.

"Where are you going?" Camila asked.

"I have a date" Lauren smiled.

"Oh Taylor" Camila nodded.

"Yeah Taylor"

"Okay.. uhh have fun!" Camila gave Lauren a quick hug before walking away.

Weird. Lauren thought before walking out the door.


Lauren and Taylor played mini golf for 2 hours because Taylor wanted to win but couldn't. They only stopped playing when Lauren heard Taylor's stomach rumbling making both of them laugh.

"I'm so gonna beat you next time" Taylor challenged as they walk towards a restaurant.

"Hey girls.." A guy smirked as he  eyes them both.

"Fuck off" Taylor huffed as she glares at the man.

"What? I'm just appreciating god's creation"

"Okay bye bye" Lauren grabbed Taylor's hand and pulled her inside the doors.

"You should've let me kick his ass" Taylor groaned.

"And ruin our night? No thanks. Besides, I'm not a violent person" Lauren chuckled.

The two sat down on a table and a waiter approached them with menus and two glasses of wine. They ordered their food and the waiter left them with their orders.

"So.. how old are you when you knew?" Taylor asked before sipping her wine.

"Knew what?" Lauren asked with confusion written on her face.

"That you're gay" Taylor whispered.

"It's not a secret" Lauren whispered before winking at Taylor who just rolled her eyes.

Lauren chuckled before answering "I realized it just... recently, actually. It's funny because my family knew it from the start and I didn't"

"Recently? What made you realize?"

"I realized it when I met Ca....a girl" Lauren retorded. "But we didn't date. I just thought that she's beautiful and amazing"

"And you fell for her?" Taylor asked with furrowed brows.

"No.. I don't think.. maybe it's just a crush" Lauren stammered.

"Who is this girl?"

"Are you jealous?" Lauren smirked.

"No.." Taylor averted her gaze. "It's just weird that you liked her just recently and now your out with me" Taylor sighed.

"It's not like I'm using you to get over her" Lauren sighed "I'm not like that"

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