Chapter 5

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"THIS is your car?! ..." Dinah exclaimed pointing at Lauren's audi.

"Oh yeah.. I'm rich" Lauren shrugged as she make her way to open Lucy's door.

"Oh" Ally cooed "what a gentlewoman"

"Thanks Lauren" Lucy smiled as she steps out of Lauren's car.

"It's Lucy" Lauren shrugged while Dinah and Normani rolled their eyes.

"I saw that" Lucy hissed as she crosses her arms on her chest.

"Oh good" Dinah smirked.

"Chill you guys" Lauren smiled as she place her hand on Lucy's waist.

"Let's go?" Lucy smiled at Lauren who nodded.

"Wait!" Normani stopped them from walking.

"What?" Lucy asked

"Mila's not here yet.. we always walk in together"

"Oh yeah.. right" Ally nodded.

"S-she's coming?" Lauren felt Lucy's body tensed up.

"Don't worry.. I got you" Lauren whispered to Lucy. Dating a girl is all new to Lauren and so far she's liking the feeling of being protective and sweet to a girl. They're like princesses, Lauren thought.

"Well... where is she?" Lauren asked.

"She's on her way..." Ally answered while typing on her phone.

"Aye Lucy remember that time when Mila..."

"I'm here!"

Dinah was interupted and all the girls turned around and saw the brunette inside a white mustang.

Dinah was interupted and all the girls turned around and saw the brunette inside a white mustang

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"Mila!" Dinah, Ally and Normani called while waving their hands.

"Hey guys" The brunette chuckled as she closed the car door behind her.

Woah.. Lauren thought as she admire the view in front of her. The first thing that caught her attention was the cutest chuckle she had ever heard and how her plump lips form the cutest smile. Lauren's eye traveled from the brunnetes black Chuck Taylor up to her shiny and wavy locks then back down to her brown eyes. She felt her heart beating crazy in her chest while staring at the girl who was smiling at her.

Beautiful.. Lauren thought.

"Uhh.. thanks?" The brunette replied snapping Lauren out of her thoughts.

"Shit.. did I said that out loud?" Lauren whispered to Lucy.

"Yeah.. you did" Lucy answered before walking inside the house leaving Lauren and the rest of the group.

"Damn.. your first argument and  you two are not even together" Dinah chuckled.

"What were you saying?" Lauren asked ignoring Lucy as she ran her fingers through her hair.

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