Chapter 49

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Lauren woke up to her phone ringing. She quickly grabbed it to avoid waking up Camila.


"Sweetie I'm at the door"

"Okay.. sorry I fell asleep"

Lauren grabbed her shirt before walking out of Camila's room.

"Hi mom" Lauren smiled as soon as she saw her mom.

"Hi baby.. where's the kitchen?" Clara asked and Lauren pointed to the hall leading to the kitchen. "And can you call Camila? Soup is still hot and she needs to eat"

"Gotcha" Lauren nodded. She ran up the stairs and opened Camila's bedroom door.

"Jesus.." Camila jumped on the bed.

"Uhh hi" Lauren chuckled.

"I thought I was dreaming.. You're really here" Camila smiled weakly.

"Yup I'm here" Lauren smiled.

"Why are you here? You should be at school" Camila frowned.

"I was wondering where you are 'cause you're not with us at lunch.. Noah told me you asked him to bring you some soup and that you might be sick" Lauren sat on the bed as she stares at Camila's tired  brown eyes.

"So you skipped school to babysit me?" Camila chuckled.

"Pretty much..yes" Lauren smiled.

"Awww.. you love me" Camila cooed.

"Who said I stopped?" Lauren replied making Camila's heart jump in happiness.

"I'm really sorry" Camila sighed.

"It's okay.. I'm over it." Lauren shrugged.

"But yesterday you said you're still mad at me"

"That was yesterday.. I forgive you. You're my Camz"

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because I'm sick?" Camila gave Lauren a look.

"I'm sure.. I don't wanna lose you just because of a stupid mistake"

"Prove it" Camila replied.

Lauren shook her head in amusement before leaning in.

"Okay.. I believe you" Camila leaned back.

"What's wrong?" Lauren frowned.

"I can't kiss you. I'm sick.. I don't want you to catch it"

"Then let's be sick together" Lauren smiled as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"You're too cute" Camila chuckled "you can kiss my big toe if you want"

"Mom! She's awake!" Lauren yelled before running out of the door leaving Camila a smiling mess.


"Hi Clara" Camila smiled as she walks to the dining table.

"Hi sweetie.. how are you feeling?" Clara smiled as she placed the bowl of soup in fron of Camila.

"A little better" Camila smiled.

"Eat this then drink your meds.. I'm glad Lauren came and called me before it gets worst" Clara sighed "you could've called me Camila"

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