Chapter 11

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Lauren has been staring at the ceiling for an about hour thinking about what Camila meant when she said she'll be back. It's been 3 hours since she left Lauren's room. Lauren snapped out of her thoughts when her phone rang. She picked it up not even bothering to look at who's calling her.


"I'm outside"

Lauren checked her phone to see who she's talking to and sighed.


"Just come get me"


Lauren stood up and walked out her room realizing that her parents are already in bed. She opened the door and saw Camila standing on their porch.

"It's late" Lauren said

"Sorry I took so long" Camila gave Lauren an apologetic smile.

"Where have you been?" Lauren asked as she stepped out of their house.

"Noah's... can we stay in your room? My dad is in a business trip so I'm free to do what I want for a week"

" should've stayed at Noah's so you too can fool around" Lauren replied trying to hide her jealousy but failed.

"I can't" Camila sighed.

"And why is that?"

"I ended things with him" Camila answered taking Lauren by surprise.

"Why?" Lauren frowned.

"So I can kiss you.. Your kisses are better than him" Camila smirked.

"What can't just.."

Camila captured Lauren's lips by surprise but Lauren didn't kiss her back. Camila broke the kiss and frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Camila whispered on Lauren's lips.

Do I want to end this now? Or should I just enjoy every moment with her and maybe she'll fall for me in the end.


"No.. Nothing. Sorry" Lauren shook her head no.

"Good.. can I kiss you now?"

Lauren just smiled and nodded her head. She thought it was sweet that Camila broke up with Noah to be with her but it also made her feel bad for Noah.


(3 weeks later)

Camila and Lauren would steal kisses at each other when no one is looking at school. Camila would sometimes sneak out of her house just to spend the night with Lauren.

"What?" Camila panted looking at Lauren who was laying underneath her. It's a Friday night and they're at Cara's guest room making out while everyone else party downstairs.

"N-Nothing" Lauren stuttered feeling nervous that their make out session just made her hard "I-I have to go"

"Lauren" Camila sighed as she rolled beside Lauren. "You can tell me"

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