Chapter 54

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(Short update)

"Are you scared?

Lauren asked as she plays with Camila's hair. Both of them are tangled up in Camila's bed as they watch White Chicks.

"Sometimes" Camila tightens her arms wrapped around Lauren's waist.

"Sometimes?" Lauren asked with confusion in her voice.

"I get scared only when you're not with me"

"I won't ever leave you" Lauren nuzzled Camila's hair.

"I love you" Camila whispered.

The movie ended and both girls sat up to stretch.

"I fucking love that movie" Lauren stretched her arms up.

"Everyone loves that movie Lolo" Camila chuckled.

"You sleepy?" Lauren asked and Camila smiled shaking her head no.

"I've always wanted to ask you this but I always forget"

"Ask away" Camila layed down on the bed facing Lauren.

"What do you wanna be when you graduate college?"

"I wanna be a musician" Camila answered.

"Wow.. you didn't even think about it" Lauren chuckled.

"What about you?"

"A photographer" Lauren smiled.

"Can I see some of your work?" Camila asked.

"I kinda misplaced my book when we moved here and I can't find it" Lauren replied.

"Okay.." Camila nodded.

"Do you have instagram? I tried to find you but I failed"

"I do have one but I deleted it" Camila answered

"Why?" Lauren frowned as she scoots closer to Camila their nose almost touching.

"I'm not really good at taking pictures and I'm insecure about my selfies" Camila replied.

"Woah.. hold up" Lauren sat up "You're beautiful and gorgeous and sexy. You should be proud"

Camila shrugged "It's the way I am. Now.. let me see your IG feed"

"It's really not that good. I just post what I love and what I think is beautiful" Lauren replied.

"Let me see?" Camila asked and Lauren grabbed her phone on the nightstand before opening her instagram.

"Here" Lauren handed Camila her phone.

"Oh my god" Camila smiled

"Oh my god" Camila smiled

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