Chapter 41

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The gang are on the bleachers for their free period sitting under the sun and talking about random things.

"Hey baby" Camila kissed Lauren's cheek before sitting down.

"Hi.." Lauren smiled.

"Did your balls turn blue?" Camila whispered.

"You gave her blue balls?!" Noah gasped "Dude.. that's rude and painful.. wait. You have balls?!" Noah pointed at Lauren with wide eyes.

"Oh my god.."

"Holy shit.."

"Cool.." Lizie chimed in.

"No.. it's not. It's just an expression for not finishing.."

"Camz" Lauren interrupted her  before intertwining her fingers with Camila's "It's fine. I'm not ashamed anymore" Lauren smiled.

"You sure?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"So it's true?" Cole asked and Lauren nodded.

"Yes it's true" Lauren sighed before taking a deep breath "I'm intersex and I have a penis. That's all you need to know.. and I understand if you guys don't want me anymore.."

"Don't be absurd" Dinah playfully slapped Lauren's arm. "I think it's beautiful"

"You guys are fine with it?" Lauren asked and everyone nodded.

"Well I'm still shocked... But I think it's awesome" Noah winked at Lauren.

"You're like a superhuman" Cole chuckled.

"Can you get a girl pregnant?" Lizie asked and Lauren shrugged.

"I don't know.. maybe.. I'm not sure" Lauren sighed.

"One time I peed while I'm standing in the shower thinking I had one of those" Cat giggled.

"Gross" Lizie scrunched up her nose.

"Don't act like you girls haven't done it" Cat pouted as she crosses her arms on her chest.

"Yeah.." The girls said in unison while nodding at each other.

"So do you guys tried peeing while sitting?" Cat asked and the guys shook their head no.

"Well.. I mean when I'm pooping.."

"Don't finish it" Lizie interrupted Noah.

"Please don't tell anyone though.. I told you guys because we're all friends and I'm comfortable with all of you" Lauren smiled weakly.

"Of course.." Shawn nodded.

"You're secret is safe with us" Ally smiled.

"Oh look" Cat pointed at the field.

"Lookie..Lookiee.." Ally smirked.

"Oh shit.. Allysin just joined us" Dinah gasped.

"Payback time" Lauren smirked as she stood up. "Guys.. can you drag him under the bleachers?"

"Yes maam" Cole stood up along with Shawn and Noah before walking towards Austin.

"Actually, I don't wanna see this.. I'm gonna stay here" Ally smiled and Lauren nodded.

The boys dragged Austin under the bleachers while the girls glared at the boy. Noah shoved Austin on the ground making the boy groan in pain.

"Dude what the fuck" Austin hissed.

"You deserved that" Shawn replied.

"Okay boys we'll take it from here" Lizie walked closer to Austin with a scissor.

"No one's cutting anyone's finger" Shawn gently pulled Lizie back.

"W-what's happening?" Austin stammered.

"You're about to find out" Lauren glared at him before punching him in the face.

"Shit.. you broke my nose!" Austin exclaimed as he covers his face.

"That's just a little taste of what's coming for you" Lauren smirked.

"Why are you doing this?" Austin stared at Lauren while everyone watch.

"You see my girl?" Lauren pointed to Camila.

"Hey" Camila waved.

"What about her?" Austin frowned 

"Don't act like you don't know!" Cat yelled in anger.

"Calm down tiger" Lizie held Cat's shoulder.

"No! He's messing with one of my friends and I don't like it!" Cat yelled in frustration.

"Is it me or does she looks like a furious hamster?" Noah whispered to Cole.

"She's adorable.. I just wanna put her in my pocket" Cole chuckled.

"I'm not messing with anyone of you!" Austin retorded.

"Liar!" Lizie glared at Austin.

"I didn't do anything!" Austin yelled back.

The bell rang signaling the end of their free period.

"Saved by the bell" Dinah scoffed.

"We caught you on tape douchebag.. you've been trashing Camila's car!" Lauren slapped Austin.

"Bitch" Austin winced in pain.

"Lauren that's enough" Camila sighed.

"You're lucky she's here or I will beat the shit out of you all day" Lauren threatened before walking out with her friends.

"Damn that boy is hard to crack" Dinah sighed "I mean we already caught him but he still won't admit to it"

"I'll get it out of him" Lauren replied with anger still lingering in her eyes.

"Hey calm down" Camila intertwined their fingers. "Let's just forget about it"

"Camila.. he's been trashing your car every week and giving you threats. I'm not letting him out of this one" Lauren replied before letting go of Camila's hand and walking ahead.

"She mad" Dinah sighed as they watch Lauren walk.

"She stopped" Cat frowned looking at Lauren who was breathing deeply before walking back to them.

"You done with your little tantrum?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"I'm sorry" Lauren pouted.

"Come here" Camila smiled before pulling Lauren for a hug.

"That was cute.. I wish Lizie's like that" Shawn looked at Lizie who was giving him a look. "Kidding" Shawn let out a nervous chuckle.

"You better be" Lizie scoffed.

"So when are we gonna get Austin back?" Dinah asked as they walk inside the building.

"Maybe after Mexico.. I don't wanna ruin the mood before we go" Lauren answered.

"Who's going to Mexico?" A girl walked up behind them.

"Leave us alone Trina" Lizie glared at the girl.

"Can I go?" Trina asked.


"We don't know you"

"No one likes you!" Everyone said in chorus making the girl frown before walking away.

"Who goes to a vacation with a bunch of strangers?" Camila asked and everyone shrugged.


I wanna go to Amsterdam 💕

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