Chapter 46

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Lauren's POV

I felt my heart clenched when I read the text on Camila's phone.

Is she cheating on me? I thought as I walk back to our bedroom. I needed to be alone. I can feel my rage rise up and my chest tighten while I hold back my tears. I felt betrayed..she betrayed me. I trusted her and she lied to me. I closed the door behind me and sighed. I took a quick shower and changed into my hoodie and sweatpants before I lay myself on the soft duvet of my bed.

When? Who? Why? Are the questions running in my head.

How could she do this to me? I groaned in frustration as I ran my fingers through my hair.


That voice. I used to love hearing her say my name but this time... it feels different.

"Hey.. you never came back" Camila sat on the bed beside me with her white robe on. She looked so perfect. With her wet and messy hair along with her sun kissed skin. And her plump kissable lips... who was touched by someone else.

"Hey you okay?" Camila tried to touch my face but I turned my head to the side.

"What's wrong?" Camila frowned.

"Don't act so innocent Camila" I replied as I sat up and leaned my back against the headboard with my head down.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I cut her off as I stare at my hands.

"I-I was scared.. I thought about telling you but I was scared that I might lose you" Camila replied and I notice the change in her voice.

"It would be easier if you just told me.."

"I'm sorry baby" Camila whispered.

"Who?" I looked up at her.

"Zayn" Camila replied with her eyes traveling down to her hands.

"Since when?"

"I'm not cheating on you" Camila looked up to my disappointed green ones. "He kissed me"

"Did you kiss back?" I asked but I quickly regret asking that question. I don't wanna know. I'm scared of what her answer will be.

Please say no.. I thought as I wait for her to answer.


"What the hell Camila! We just became official.. and now you're already cheating on me?!" I yelled

"I'm not cheating on you!" Camila retorded "It was nothing.. it was a stupid mistake. Please baby" Camila's voice broke and I know she's holding back her tears but so was I.

"Am I not enough?" I asked as I let a tear roll down on my cheek.

"You're more than enough baby.. I love you.. that kiss was a mistake. It was nothing.. I felt nothing..He took me by surprise.. maybe I kissed back at first but I pushed him away when I came back to my senses.. I felt so bad after that kiss. I was so mad at myself for letting it happen. I never wanted to hurt you. "

"You just hurt me. Here I am falling head over heels for you and you're out there kissing someone else"

"I told you he took me by surprise. I never wanted that kiss.."

"Then why did you kiss him back?" I interrupted.

"Force of habit I guess.." Camila sighed "I mean we do make out a lot"

"Why are you with him anyway?" I crossed my arms on my chest.

Camila told me everything that happened that day. But it was not enough for me to forgive her. I was so upset and disappointed.

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