Chapter 9

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Dinah and Lauren went back to their booth and frowned when Camila and Noah are nowhere to be found.

"Where have you been?" Ally asked frowning at the two.

"Bathroom" Lauren answered as she took a seat besides Normani.

"Where's Camila?" Dinah asked the question she knew Lauren was dying to ask.

"I don't know.. they're here somewhere" Normani answered as her eyes scans the club.

"I need some air.. and a smoke" Lauren stood up.

"Want me to come with you?" Dinah asked and Lauren shook her head no.

"I'm ok D, I'll be back soon" Lauren flashed Dinah a smile.

Lauren went inside the kitchen earning greetings from the employees which she just smiled at. She stepped out of the back door into an alley and pulled out her pack of cigarettes. She lit one up and turned her head to both sides of the alley. She almost dropped her smoke when she spots Camila and Noah making out a few feet away from her. Lauren felt annoyed and pissed at what is happening in front of her. She can't believe what she was seeing. Few minutes ago Camila was all over her and now she's all over someone else.

Am I jealous? Lauren asked herself but realized that she has no right to be jealous.

Noah felt someone was staring so he stopped the kiss

and turned his head to Lauren who was watching them intently

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and turned his head to Lauren who was watching them intently.  Lauren immediately apologized for interupting their make out session.

"It's ok.." Noah chuckled while Camila stares at Lauren.

"We should head back.. it's rude to leave your friends in a party" Noah grabbed Camila's hand and walked towards the door behind Lauren.

"You coming?" Noah asked Lauren who shook her head no.

"I'll be there in a minute" Lauren held up her cigarette and Noah nodded.

"Actually, Can I have one?" Camila asked and Noah stared at her in disbelief.

"I don't know you smoke" Noah said and Camila rolled her eyes.

"You've only known me for a week" Camila said as she grabs Lauren's cigarette before taking a hit.

"Okay.. I'll go ahead" Noah sighed and Camila nodded.

Lauren lit up another cigarette and leaned on the wall across Camila. There was an awkward silence before Camila broke it.

"I didn't know you smoke" Camila blurted out before taking a hit.

"You've only known me for 3 weeks" Lauren mimicked Camila's words.

Camila chuckled and nodded her head "So.. you still wearing your strap on?" Camila smirked making Lauren cough out the smoke.

"Jesus.." Lauren said while coughing making Camila chuckle.

"I gotta go" Lauren threw her cigarette and stepped on it. She opened the door but Camila quickly slammed it closed.

"What the.."

"Just wait" Camila took a hit of the cigarette and threw it on the ground before smashing her lips against Lauren. Lauren melted at the feeling of Camila's heated lips. The taste of strawberries and cigarettes mixed together made Lauren even more addicted to her.

They broke the kiss and Camila looked into Lauren's full of lust green eyes and smiled.

"Still the best" Camila whispered against Lauren's lips.

Lauren opened her eyes and frowned "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Because I love it" Camila smiled.

"Okay" Lauren sighed before walking back to her friends with Camila following her.

They spent the night with more dancing and drinking and laughing at Dinah who was wasted along with Normani everytime they dance and twerk to a beyonce song. Lauren would steal glances at Camila and Noah who were dancing closely with each other and Dinah would distract her by dancing with her along with Ally and Normani.

"Do you want someone to drive you home Ms. Jauregui?" The bouncer asked as soon as he saw Lauren's friends drunk out of their minds and passed out on their booth.

"You can all ride with me if you want?" Noah asked and Lauren shook her head no.

"I'm fine.. I'll just let them stay at my house for the night" Lauren smiled. "Come on guys" Lauren called her friends.

"They're so drunk they can't even move" Noah chuckled.

"You got Camila?"

"Yeah" Noah carried Camila bridal style. "What about you?"

"I'll call someone to help me carry them to my car" Lauren said and Noah nodded. He was about to walk away but Camila spoke up.

"I wanna go with Lauren" Camila whined.


"Shhhh" Camila interupted Noah. "Dad is going to be..pissed.. if I went home with a guy"

"Oh.. okay. I'll carry you to her car"

"No!" Camila yelled startling Noah.

"Camila you can't even stand up" Lauren sighed.

"Then carry me" Camila wiggled her body to get out of Noah's arms.

"Camila she can't.." Noah protest but Lauren placed her hand on Noah's shoulder.

"It's fine.. I'll carry her" Lauren said and Noah nodded. He let Camila down gently and Lauren picked her up again the same style as Noah.

"Can you carry Ally? The guys took Dinah and Normani" Noah nodded and walked towards Ally.

"I'm dizzy" Camila whined as they make their way out of the club.

"You're a pain in the ass" Lauren groaned.

Camila nuzzled Lauren's neck "You smell so good Lolo" Lauren smiled at the nickname Camila gave her.

"Thanks Camz"


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