Chapter 69

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"Someone's here for you" A police officer said and Dylan stopped staring at the ceiling and sat up on his bed.

"Well.. well.. well" Dylan smirked as soon as he saw Lauren outside the steel bars.

"God this place is hideous" Lauren said with a disgusted look on her face. "And it suits you"

"I should've killed you" Dylan looked at Lauren with hate in his eyes.

"Well.. sucks to be you" Lauren replied.

"What are you doing here?" Dylan asked and Lauren shrugged.

"Just wanted to make sure that you're treated the way you're supposed to"

"Fuck off" Dylan scoffed.

"It sucks right? Your beloved girlfriend setting you up and throwing herself at me" Lauren smirked.

"S-she wouldn't" Dylan stammered

"Oh she did... she wanted me every second we're together. That's why she agreed to help us catch you"

"Did she..."

"Oh no" Lauren chuckled "Unfortunately for her, I'm faithful to Camila"

"You stole my girl" Dylan muttered in gritted teeth.

"You kidnapped my girl" Lauren replied "And I didn't steal anything from you. She volunteered"

"You'll pay for this" Dylan glared at Lauren.

"No. You'll pay for this.. I fucking hate you for hurting my girl and my friend"

"Cole?" Lauren noticed the worry in Dylan's voice.

"It's all your fault.."

"What happened to him?" Dylan asked.

Lauren felt her phone buzzed from her pocket before pulling it out

You're mine. I'll make sure of it.

"What the fuck?" Lauren whispered to herself.

"I'm asking you a question!" Dylan yelled.

"So now you're concerned about him.." Lauren scoffed as she shoves her phone back in her pocket "You're stupid and reckless... I wanna make you bleed for what you've done"

"You can't" Dylan smirked.

"I will.. if given the chance of course... but Camila wouldn't want that" Lauren sighed. "She doesn't deserve everything you did to her.."

"She deserved it" Dylan replied.

"I will kill you" Lauren said with gritted teeth.

"Then kill me" Dylan smirked.

"No.. " Lauren sighed as she calms herself down. "You deserve to rot in here. Goodbye"

"W-wait" Dylan said "w-what happened to Cole?"

"Oh now you care?" Lauren let out a sarcastic laugh "your guy shot him dead"

"W-what?" Dylan stammered as he sits down on his bed. " what have I done?" Dylan sobbed on his hands.

Lauren snorted before trying to hold her laugh "I'm sorry.. I'm kidding" Lauren laughed "but your guy did shoot him"

"You asshole!" Dylan yelled.

"You deserved it" Lauren scoffed "Good bye dickface" She smirked before walking away.


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