Chapter 39

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The group was standing on stage with their fingers intertwined while they wait for the Principal to announce the winner.

"Everyone was amazing tonight. All of you deserves to win but unfortunately we have to choose only one" The Principal announced on the mic.

"Barcelona.. Barcelona.. Barcelona" Camila mumbled with her head down and eyes closed making Lauren shake her head in amusement.

"And the winner is..... " The principal opened the envelop "No hard feelings okay gu..."

"Just tell us the winner!" Lizie yelled from the crowd earning a few laughs.

"Cat Valentine!" The Principal announced.

"Oh my god" Cat gasped "I won!"

"No!" Camila groaned as she fell on her knees.  Lauren slapped her arm "Be nice.. our friend won"

"Ha! No Barcelona for you guys" Cat laughed at her friends.

"I really wanna go to Barcelona" Camila pouted.

"I'll take you there, someday" Lauren smiled.

"Here's your trophy young lady" The Principal handed Cat her trophy while the crowd claps.

"Yes bitch! Claim it!" Lizie yelled while Cat waved at the crowd.

"Yes Cat!" Noah and Cole screamed.

"What am I gonna do with it?" Cat asked the Principal.

"I uhh.. display it? I guess?" The Principal frowned.

"Okay" Cat giggled.


"You lost" Billie laughed at Lauren.

"Shut up" Lauren rolled her eyes before resting her arm on Camila's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Camila frowned.

"Oh Lauren hates losing.. she always wins" Billie replied.

"Aww babe.. don't be sad. You're talented and you're amazing. You don't have to win that stupid talent show for them to appreciate you.. I appreciate you and you're always a winner to me" Camila smiled.

"That means nothing to me" Lauren replied.

"She's very competitive" Billie chuckled.

"No Barcelona for you guys" Dinah chuckled looking at her friends' sad and disappointed faces as they walk out of school.

"Whatever" Noah scoffed.

"Oh don't be sad.. Lauren's beach house is way more relaxing than Barcelona" Dinah smiled.

"It's just a house in the beach.. Barcelona is beautiful" Cole added.

"You've been there?" Ally asked and Cole nodded.

"Did I mention Lauren's beach house is in Mexico?" Dinah added and everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"No you didn't!" Camila slapped Dinah's arm.

"That fucking hurt" Dinah hissed.

"I thought it's just in some Miami beach" Lizie added.

"Oh it's not.." Dinah smirked "It's in Mexico"

"That's so tight" Cat chuckled.

"I'm so excited" Ally squealed.

"We're going to Mexico!" Everyone squealed as they jump  in excitement.

"I'm so glad you won!" Noah hugged Cat.

"I already bought my fish goggles" Cat chuckled.

"Oh I need to go mom texted me" Cole waved good bye before walking the other way.

"Uhh guys.." Noah pointed at Camila's car.

"What the fuck?" Dinah muttered as they look at Camila's car.

"They did the same thing.. except the note and color is different. Last time it was green now its yellow" Lauren examined the car.

"I'm watching you?" Lizie read the words on the windshield

"That's creepy" Cat frowned.

"And cool" Lizie added

"Good thing we recorded everything" Dinah pointed at the camera they installed last night.

"They must have done it when we were busy on the talent show" Shawn added

"We got you now" Ally smirked.

"Okay.. I'll call the tow and then we'll head off to Dinah's" Everyone nodded at Lauren's suggestion.


Everyone was focused on Dinah's laptop as they wait.

"Okay.. so here is us earlier in the parking lot" Dinah clicked the rewind button.

"Nothing... Nothing... Nothing.." Normani mumbled.

"Stop!" Everyon jumped at Cat's voice.

"What? Did you see anything?" Camila asked.

"Yeah.. I saw a bird" Cat chuckled making everyone groan.

"Please take your friend away" Lauren looked at Lizie who just rolled her eyes.

"Fine.. I'm taking her away because I want to.." Lizie pushed Cat by the shoulder towards the nearest couch "And call us when you find something"

"Okay... nothing.. nothing.. nothing..stop!"

Dinah quickly pressed the pause button.

"Holy shit" Noah muttered.

"Is that..." Shawn leaned in closer.

"Austin" Lauren glared at the screen.

"Son of bitch" Noah muttered.

"He's holding a spray paint. He's definitely the one" Normani added.

"Ayye Lizie.. we found him!" Shawn called the girls who were busy playing with their phones.

"Who is it?" Cat looked at the screen "Who's that?"

"Austin Mahone" Shawn replied.

"What are we gonna do now?" Lizie smirked.

"Camila?" Lauren looked at the small brunette beside her. "Hey" She tucked a lose hair behind Camila's ear before rubbing her soft cheek.

"Nothing.." Camila sighed "We do nothing"

"Wha... he's been fucking up your car and we're doing nothing?" Lizie looked at Camila in disbelief.

"Yes.. it's just a stupid prank" Camila walked out of the room with Lauren following behind her.

"Baby what's wrong?" Lauren frowned.

"It just.." Camila groaned "It doesn't feel right"

"Hey.. relax okay?" Lauren smiled softly as she wrap her arms around Camila's waist.

"Make me forget?" Camila whispered.

"Love too" Lauren whispered back before capturing Camila's lips. Their lips moved in sync as they kiss each other in a slow and passionate way.

Lauren broke the kiss and rested her forehead against Camila's.

"Don't worry okay? Let me handle this" Lauren whispered as she looks into Camila's brown eyes.

"Okay.. don't do anything stupid" Camila chuckled.

"I won't" Lauren replied.

"And don't hurt anyone" Camila added.

"Yes maam" Lauren smiled.

Just a little. Lauren thought.


I need to get out of this house..

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