Chapter 7

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Lucy and Lauren have been dating for 2 weeks now but Lauren's friends still don't approve of her, mainly because they don't trust her. Everytime Lucy sits with them at lunch they would act nice for Lauren while Camila stays quiet which is weird for Lauren.

"Are you and Lucy serious?" Dinah asked and Lauren nodded.

They're at Ally's house having a barbeque by the pool because they agreed that every friday if they don't have plans they would just hangout at each others homes.

"I mean.. I like her" Lauren smiled.

"So are you gonna make it official?" Normani asked as she grabs her drink on the table.

"I don't know" Lauren answered before stealing a glance at Camila who was eating her burger like an 8 year old.

"Maybe" Lauren sighed.

Lauren didn't question Camila about what happened in the bathroom at Austin's party. It will just make things awkward for both of them, so she just let it go.

"Well, I hope she treats you right" Camila finally joined the group.

"She does" Lauren smiled at Camila.

"Good" Camila smiled back.

"Maybe I'll ask her tomorrow" Lauren blurted out making the group stop at what they're doing.

"Good luck" Dinah formed a small  smile.

"Come on guys.. she's not that bad. Just... give her a chance?" Lauren asked.

"Okay" Normani replied making Lauren smile.

"But.." Dinah stood up and walked behind Camila "If she hurts you.. we'll kick her ass" Dinah smirked as she place her hands on Camila's shoulder.

"We will" Camila nodded at Lauren.


"So.." Camila leaned on the lockers smirking at Lauren. "You sure about this?" Camila gave Lauren the single rose she requested.

"Yeah.. I'll do it after her cheerleading practice" Lauren smiled as she grabs the rose and placed it safely in her locker.

"Okay.. later Lo" Camila patted Lauren's shoulder before walking toward class. Lauren blushed at the nickname Camila just gave her.

"Camila" Lauren called out.

"Yeah?" Camila turned around and waited for Lauren to speak.

Lauren was contemplating in asking Camila about the bathroom incident but she thought that it's not the right time.

"Nevermind" Lauren sighed before closing her locker.

"You sure?" Camila smirked.

"Yeah" Lauren furrowed her brows thinking that Camila already knew what she was about to ask.

"You really sure?" Camila walked closer to Lauren while smirking.

"Y-yeah" Lauren stuttered while staring at Camila's brown eyes.

They were face to face and Lauren forgot that there are people around and Lucy might see them standing too close to each other.

"Come on you can tell me anything" Camila whispered while her eyes travels from Lauren's green orbs to her lips.

Lauren felt Camila's minty breath hit her lips giving her chills. Lauren stayed silent while unconsciously staring at Camila's plump lips.

"See you later" Camila smirked before walking away.

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