Chapter 57

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"That was amazing" Camila giggled while panting next to Lauren on the bed.

"I didn't know you could do that" Lauren chuckled while Camila wraps her arm around Lauren's waist .

"Me too" Camila chuckled before burying her face on the crook of Lauren's neck "Let's stay like this forever" she whispered.

"I would love that" Lauren smiled before planting a kiss on Camila's head.

"Yo open up!" Dinah banged on the door startling the cozy couple.

"What's happening?" Camila sat up with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know" Lauren jumped off the bed before grabbing a robe and tossing one to Camila.

"Hurry up!" Dinah yelled.

"Wait a sec!" Camila yelled back.

Lauren opened the door and saw Dinah with a panic look on her face.

"You okay?" Lauren frowned

"You guys need to leave" Dinah walked pass Lauren. "I saw him"

"Who?" Camila asked as she ties her robe.

"Cole.. I saw him" Dinah replied.

"Are you sure? How many drinks did you have?" Lauren asked.

"I'm not drunk! I know what I saw!" Dinah retorded.

"Jesus calm the fuck down" Lauren placed her hand on Dinah's shoulder.

"Please listen to me" Dinah rubbed her temples "I saw him.. he's here"

"Okay we'll go" Camila sighed as she grabs her dress.

"Thank you" Dinah sighed "Sorry for freaking out I'm just worried about you guys"

"It's fine D.. Thank you" Lauren smiled.

"Babe can you zip me up?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"Please hurry.. I don't want him to find you guys" Dinah said and Lauren nodded.

"How about you?" Camila asked while she helps Lauren with her dress.

"We'll be fine.. and Noah's driving me home" Dinah replied.


"Do you think she's over reacting?" Camila asked and Lauren shrugged.

"Maybe.. maybe not. Important thing is you need to be safe babe. You don't have anyone guarding you tonight besides me" Lauren sighed.

"Actually..." Camila looked behind the car and waved at the black rover following them.

"Matthew?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him coming to prom with us.. I just.. don't wanna ruin our night"

"No it's okay" Lauren smiled "We need all the help we can get"

"You sure?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"Yes baby.. and did he uhh spy on us while we were..."

"Oh god no" Camila cut her off "He stayed in the room next to us... I'm sure he heard me moan and scream"

"I hope so" Lauren smirked.

"I love it when you..." Camila was cut off when a black mustang collided on Camila's side of the car making their car turn to the left and crash on a post. Lauren's head hit the car window while Camila's right leg was broken.

Lauren woke up with a ringing sound in her head and a blood dripping on her temple. She looked beside her and saw an unconscious Camila. Lucky the airbag saved her from hitting her head.

"Camz" Lauren mumbled.

The car door opened and Matthew looked at them worriedly.

"Lauren keep your eyes open" Matthew said as he tries to unbuckle Camila's seat belt.

"Fuck it's stuck" Matthew groaned while Lauren tries to fight the dizziness and her heavy eyes. "Hey Lauren! Stay awake!"

"Camila" Lauren mumbled.

"She's gonna be fine" Matthew muttered as he cuts the straps and gently carries Camila out of her seat. "Shit her leg is broken"

"No baby" Lauren whispered with her eyes closing.

"Lauren! You gotta stay awake!" Matthew yelled as he gently carries Camila towards his car. He immediately ran to Lauren's side of the car and gently opened the door.

" gotta help me okay?" Matthew asked and Lauren nodded.

"My head hurts" Lauren mumbled.

"I know.. just hold on okay?" Matthew unbuckled her seat and caught her in his arms. "Don't move okay? There's glass everywhere. I got you"

Matthew carried Lauren next to Camila before checking inside the black mustang but found no one.

"Shit. He got away" Matthew muttered before pulling out his phone to call for help, but before he could dial the number someone hit his head with a wrench knocking him unconscious to the cold hard ground. Lauren tried to make up his face but her vision is too blurry.

"No one's gonna help you now" The guy chuckled before looking at girls on Matthew's backseat. Lauren frowned when she didn't recognized his voice.

"I-I will kill y-you" Lauren stammered.

"With what?" The guy replied "You're wasting my time.. you're nothing to me.. I just want her"

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Lauren yelled she wanted to beat the shit out of him but her body won't cooperate.

"Ooh that's a great idea" The guy chuckled. "Or I can kill her slowly.. and make her scream in pain and despair 'til she can't take it anymore... Or I could lock her up in a room full of guys and..."

"Stop.. stop.. please.. take me, hurt me, kill me.. Just don't touch her" Lauren sobbed.

"That's sweet.. but no" The guy replied. "Anyway, we have to go now.. good night babe" The guy punched Lauren so hard that it knocked her unconscious.


Okay sorry I'm kinda busy these days...

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