Chapter 28

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"Hey DJ" Lauren greeted as she sits down on a desk besides the Polynesian.

"Hey.." Dinah smirked.

"What?" Lauren frowned.

"I won the bet" Dinah grinned.

"So?" Lauren asked.

"I won the prize!" Dinah squealed.

"What's the prize again?" Lauren smirked.

Dinah frowned as she thinks about their agreement.

"Fucking hell.." Dinah groaned.

"Exactly.. so basically, you won nothing" Lauren let out an evil laugh making Dinah roll her eyes.

"So what happened? Did grumpy Camila came out of the shell?" Dinah chuckled.

"She did.. but she got nervous when I told her that she told me that she loves me at the party"

"Finally! That girl has been hiding that secret for too long" Dinah exclaimed.

"What?" Confusion was written all over Lauren's face.

"She finally told you that she's inlove with you right?"

"She's inlove with me?!" Lauren whispered.

"I thought.. wait.. oh no" Dinah buried her face on her hands.

"She's inlove with me" Lauren whispered.

"No.. no.. she didn't" Dinah retorded.

"You just said.."

"I know what I said!" Dinah interrupted. "No.. no.. please don't tell her that I told you"

"Oh my god" Lauren whispered.

"She's gonna fucking kill me" Dinah groaned on her hands.

"Since when?" Lauren asked.

"No.. I can't tell you more. It's bad enough that I told you she's inlove with you" Dinah sighed.

"Fuck.." Lauren ran her fingers through her hair. "I gotta go talk to her" Lauren stood up but stopped in her tracks when the bell rang.

"You can talk to her after school" Dinah smiled weakly.


The bell rang 5 minutes ago and now Camila was running through the empty halls as she cursed herself.

"Shit.. shit.." Camila muttered as she ran. As she tried to pull out her phone from her pocket someone bumped into her making her phone fly on the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry"

Camila looked up and saw a black haired guy smiling down at her. He picked up her phone and handed it to her.

"Again I'm sorry.. I was looking at my schedule and I didn't see you running towards me" The guy smiled.

"It's fine.." Camila sighed as she fix her clothes.

"I'm Cole by the way.. I'm new here."


"I'm actually lost.. uhh can you help me?" Cole smiled at Camila making the girl feel weird and somewhat uncomfortable.

"Uh.. yeah sure" Camila took a quick look at his schedule before nodding.

"We have the same class at this hour. Then I'll show you the rest when our class is over. We're already late"

Cole nodded before following Camila to their class.

Lauren finally relaxed when Camila walked in their class but frowned as soon as she saw Cole following behind her.

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