Chapter 12

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Lauren, Camila and Dinah walked downstairs and saw some guys carrying Noah out of the house while people watch.

"Let me go!" Noah yelled as he try to free himself from the guys.

"No! You're an asshole Noah. My parents are gonna be so fucking mad!" Cara yelled. If eyes could kill, Noah would be dead by now.

The guys pushed Noah out of the house and slammed the door before helping Cara clean up the mess. There are broken glasses everywhere, curtains are ripped off and picture frames are on the floor along with some lamps.

"Jeez.. what crawled up in his ass" Dinah said as she continues to walk down the stairs.

"This house is a trashed" Lauren followed Dinah.

"This party is over" Camila joined in.

"Everyone get your asses out! Party is fucking over!" Cara's voice echoed and some students started walking out the door.

"Told you" Camila smirked.

"She's so pissed" Lauren said as they walk out the house.

"Where's Normani and Ally?" Camila asked Dinah who was busy typing something on her phone.

"They're already in my car waiting for me.. Noah scared the shit out of Ally so Normani lead her outside to calm her down" Dinah answered.

"Okay.. we'll see you on Monday?" Camila asked Dinah who gave her a confused look.

"You're not riding with us?" Dinah frowned.

"I'm riding with Lauren.. we're neighbors" Camila smiled at Lauren who was already in her car.

"Ooh okay... I see you girl" Dinah grinned while wiggling her brows.

"You see nothing" Camila rolled her eyes.

"I know what you're doing" Dinah smirked.

"Bye DJ" Camila walked away.

"Get it girl!" Dinah yelled before walking away making Camila shook her head in amusement.

"Get what?" Lauren asked while Camila stepped inside her car.

"Nothing" Camila winked making Lauren roll her eyes.

Lauren felt relaxed during their drive home because of Camila's unique voice singing along to Ed Sheeran.

"Wow.. you can sing" Lauren smiled while her eyes on the road.

"Thank you" Camila chuckled "I know you can sing too"

"And how did you know that?" Lauren asked.

"We're neighbors Lo.. I can hear you when you're in your room. You always listen to Lana del Rey"


"I'm not creeping on you!" Camila exclaimed "Close your window next time you sing"

Lauren laughed while she parks her car in their driveway.

"You always creeping on my window?" Lauren chuckled as she steps out of her car.

"Again.. I'm not creeping on you!" Camila groaned "Get your head out of your ass"

"Ok Camz" Lauren held her hands up in defeat "Anyway, when is your dad coming back?" Lauren sat on the hood of her car with Camila following her actions.

"Maybe tomorrow or the next day, I don't know" Camila shrugged.

"Can I ask you something?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

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