Chapter 42

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Dinah sat on their usual table on the cafeteria along with Lauren and Camila while looking at a groaning and moaning Cat with her face planted on the table.

"What happened?" Dinah asked with confusion written on her face.

"Her wisdom tooth was ripped out of her mouth yesterday" Lizie answered and Dinah nodded.

"It's hurts so baaaaaad" Cat groaned.

"I told you to stay in your house" Lizie scolded.

"Yeah why are you in school?" Lauren frowned.

"I don't want to stay in the house.. it drives me crazy" Cat whined.

"Oh you poor thing" Shawn cooed as he slowly rubs Cat's back.

"I think you should go home" Cole added.

"I think you should shut up" Cat growled making Cole throw his hands up in defeat.

"Geez.. you're grumpy" Noah chuckled.

"That's because I'm hurting!" Cat exclaimed. "Can someone massage my gums?"



"Nuh uh"

Everyone answered while Cat continues to whine.

"Okay.. that's it..I'm taking you to the nurse" Lizie stood up and Cat shook her head no.

"I don't want to go" Cat whined.

"I don't care.. come on" Lizie pulled her up.

"Cat you need to fact, you should be at home taking meds and washing your mouth with salt water" Ally looked at Cat with sympathy.

"You look comfy and sweet.. Can you take care of me?" Cat pouted.

"Not today sweetie.. I have a test" Ally smiled weakly.

"I'll take care of you" Lizie smirked.

"No!" Cat exclaimed as she runs behind Shawn. "Don't let her take me" Cat cried.

"She'll just take you to the nurse.. and the nurse will be the one taking care of you" Shawn looked behind him.

"Nooo.. I don't trust her"

"Okay.." Shawn stood up "I'll come with you guys"

"Okay" Cat sighed "Can you give me a piggy back ride to the nurse?"

"Cat..." Lizie glared at the poor girl.

"It's fine babe" Shawn chuckled before crouching down. "Hop on"

"Bye Cat.. get well soon" Lauren smiled earning a smile back from Cat.

"Poor baby" Dinah sighed.

"I remember when they ripped mine off" Dinah leaned on the table before resting her chin on her hand like she's in deep thought.

"And?" Camila waited for her to continue.

"It hurts like hell.. I was shoving everyone who touches me or someone who makes me take my meds.. and oh there's mouth blood all over my bed.. it's like a massacre"

"T-that's scary" Camila stammered before clearing her throat.

"You haven't got yours removed?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded slowly.

"I think I'm gonna keep 'em" Camila formed a nervous smile.

"You can't.. you need to get them out" Ally chimed in.

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