Chapter 62

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Every window and door on the mansion was locked securely giving the entire group a hard time to break in.

"We walked around the house everything's locked" Shawn panted.

"Looks like we're gonna have to break one open" Lizie smirked as she looks at Lauren.

"I don't wanna go to jail" Cat whined.

"We're not.. no one will know" Lauren sighed

"And there are no camera's around.." Dinah chimed in.

"Let's do it... Noah" Lauren nodded at her friend.

"It will be my pleasure" Noah smirked before grabbing a rock.

"Stand back" Noah took a deep breath before throwing the rock through the window.

"Holy shit.. that was awesome" Lizie chuckled.

"Careful there's glass everywhere" Ally warned Noah before unlocking the window and sweeping off the broken glass with his jacket before everyone climbed in one by one.

"Find the lights" Lauren whispered as she turns on her phone's flashlight.

"Got it" Dinah whispered back before turning the switch on.

"Woah" Ally whispered under her breath as soon as they saw the messy room.

"The fuck happened here" Dinah frowned as she looks at the broken chairs and torn books and papers lying everywhere along with some broken picture frames.

"I think this is an office.. someone didn't handle their tantrums very well" Lauren grabbed a book before looking at his friends. "Okay spread out.. check every room for clues"

Everyone paired into twos leaving Lauren to search for clues alone. She walked upstairs and checked the very last room down the hall. She gently opened the door and opened the light.

"Bingo" Lauren smirked as she scans the clean and well organized room in front of her. She started roaming around opening dressers, cabinets including boxes she saw but found nothing. She grabbed the last box with a hand written "Property of Cole Sprouse.. Hands off"

"So this is your room" Lauren smirked before opening the box. "Oh my god" Lauren whispered  grabbing one of many photographs Cole captured of them. Every photograph was in black and white and was a candid picture of every one of them.

"What is this Cole?" Lauren sighed as she grabs a photograph with all of them smiling at the camera like problems didn't exist in the world. She closed the box and decided to take it with her. Lauren sighed as she walks towards the door but something caught her eye. She walked up to the night stand and grabbed a picture of twins sitting on a rock with a waterfall behind them.

"Ooh I know that place"

"Jesus!" Lauren jumped at Noah's voice.

"Sorry.. didn't mean to scare you" Noah smiled weakly.

"It's fine.." Lauren sighed. "Found anything?"

"I'm sorry.. you?" Noah replied.

"Just a box of photographs" Lauren sighed.

"There's nothing here Lauren" Noah sighed.

"Shit.. I can't.. no.. we must find something..we need.. we have to find her!" Lauren tried to fight her tears.

"Lauren.." Noah looked at Lauren with sympathy.

"She's still out there.. she's scared!" Lauren exclaimed.

"We must.. we.. w-we.. fuck I can't breathe" Lauren panted as she starts breathing heavily before sitting on the floor and dropping the box.

"Hey.. calm down" Noah cupped Lauren's cheeks. "Look at me Jauregui.. breathe slowly.. in....and out.."

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