Chapter 18

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School ended and Lauren quickly made her way to the parking lot. She sent a text to her friends that she'll just meet them at the café which they all agreed. She looked at her car and frowned when she saw Camila sitting on the hood waiting for her. When Lauren reached her car Camila quickly stood up.

"Hey" Camila waved shyly.

"Hi" Lauren flashed a small smile.

"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier" Camila sighed "I don't know what I was thinking"

"It's fine Camz" Lauren sighed "You still going out with Shawn?"

"Y-yes" Camila answered.

"Good" Lauren smiled trying to hide the hurt in her eyes "So I guess I gotta go.. Taylor's waiting"

Camila nodded her head but feeling kinda hurt about Lauren meeting another girl. Camila frowned when Lauren was out of sight.

Why am I feeling this way? Could it be.... Camila shook her head trying to make the feeling disappear.

"Fuck" Camila whispered before walking to her car.


"So.. you gonna ask her out now?" Dinah asked as soon as Lauren is settled down in her seat.

"Yeah" Lauren answered while she smiled at Taylor.

"15 minutes" Taylor mouthed as she carries an empty tray behind the counter. Lauren gave her a thumbs up before giving her full  attention to Dinah again.

"Where's everyone?" Lauren asked.

"On their way" Dinah answered as she types on her phone.


"So..." Dinah put her phone on the table and crossed her arms on her chest "If you're going out with her, what about you know who?"

"She's with him now" Lauren sighed "There's nothing I can do about it"

" 'Cause you're not doing something about it" Dinah retorded "You didn't even tell her you like her"

Lauren ran her fingers through her hair "It's fine D, I'll get over it"

"What if she likes you back?" Dinah furrowed her brows.

"I doubt it.." Lauren sighed.

"Aren't you a little curious?

"I don't need to ask. Her actions tells me otherwise.. She wouldn't go out with someone else if she likes me back"

"True.." Dinah sighed "I like Camren more than Shawmila."

"What?" Lauren asked confused.

"Those are your shipnames. CAMila plus LauREN = Camren.. Shawn plus...."

"I get it D" Lauren chuckled.

"And I'm the captain of the Camren ship" Dinah stood up before giving Lauren a salute.

"Don't listen to her.." Noah said as he sits down beside Lauren "I'm the captain"

"I found out about them first" Dinah retorded "You can be co-captain"

"As long as I'm in the ship" Noah smirked at Dinah.

"What ship?" Camila asked as she walks toward their table with Ally and Normani behind her.

"Nada" Dinah shrugged "You guys are late"

"Traffic" Camila shrugged

"That's not true. Mila and Shawn took so long..."

"Anyway..." Camila interrupted Ally as she sits down besides Lauren "We're here now"

Took so long? Did they...

Lauren was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt someone squeezing her shoulder.

"Lo.. there's a model behind you" Normani whispered enough for Camila to hear.

Lauren looked up and saw Taylor looking down at her.

"Hey" Taylor smiled "My shift just ended"

"Hi.. it's fine" Lauren smiled back.

"Here.." Noah stood up and gave his seat to Taylor.

"Thank you and uhmm Lily wants to talk to you" Taylor smiled at Noah who nodded.

"So Taylor.. what have you been up to?" Dinah asked before looking at Camila who was pretending that she's busy on her phone.

"I've been working out a lot harder these days.. I've been selected to audition for Victoria's Secret" Taylor smiled.

"Jesus.. that's huge!" Ally exclaimed "Congratulations!"

"Thank you. I don't wanna get my hopes up yet.. I mean there are more prettier and sexier girls than me" Taylor smiled shyly.

" That's amazing babe" Lauren smiled at Taylor.

Babe? Camila snapped her eyes at Lauren.

Taylor placed her hand on Lauren which was noticed by Camila.

"You guys are cute" Dinah squealed.

"Can I borrow Lauren today?" Taylor asked

"You don't need to ask them.. I'm all yours" Lauren said as she stood up.

"Damn Jauregui.. whipped already?" Noah asked as he sits back down earning a glare from Lauren.

"I gotta go" Camila stood up not even bothering to tell why. She just left.

"What was that?" Normani asked.

"Maybe it's an emergency" Lauren shrugged before following Taylor towards another table.

Dinah and Noah gave each other a look.

That's definitely not an emergency. Noah thought

Her mood changed when Taylor showed up. Dinah thought.

Wait.. are you reading my mind? Noah thought as he furrowed his brows at Dinah.

You can read mine? Dinah thought with a puzzled look on her face.

I'm inlove with Shawn. Noah thought as he smirked.

Dinah gasped before pointing at Noah. "You're thinking of dirty things about me! Your smirk tells it all" Dinah exclaimed.

"In your dreams" Noah scoffed.

She definitely can't read my mind

"What's with the faces? You guys are being weird" Ally said


Short update

I was reading The Stripper for the second time..

Wish I have a girlfriend 😂😂😂

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