Chapter 10

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Lauren sat along with her friends on their usual table in the cafeteria while Lucy and her friends throw them looks.

"Whipped" Dinah mouthed to Lucy who just rolled her eyes and focused her eyes on her phone.

"You're really not gonna forgive her?" Ally asked holding a sandwich.

"No" Lauren answered.

"Looks like Camila is having fun" Normani said making the girls turn their heads at Camila and Noah.

"Looks like Camila is having fun" Normani said making the girls turn their heads at Camila and Noah

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"Aww.. they look so cute together" Ally cooed

Lauren averted her eyes and turned her attention on her lunch.

"I think she really likes him" Normani smiled at her friend who was wrapped up in Noah's arms.

"I don't ship it" Dinah said before winking at Lauren.

"By the way, Ally" Lauren changed the subject not wanting to talk about Camila anymore "How are you and Chris?"

"It was just one date Laur" Ally answered

"You don't like him?" Lauren asked

"Uhm.. he didn't call me back" Ally said making Lauren frown.

"It's kinda weird talking to you about it" Ally chuckled.

"I'm so sorry.. He's an idiot" Lauren sighed before running her fingers through her hair.

"It's fine.. we only went out once" Ally smiled at Lauren telling her that she's okay and Lauren nodded.

"So.. what about you guys?" Lauren looked at Normani and Dinah.

"What?" The girls said in unison.

"Anyone special? Crushes?" Ally  asked

"Nah.. high school boys can't handle me.. maybe Imma get one in college" Dinah answered while she chews her burito.

"Charming" Lauren said looking at Dinah with disgust in her face. "Normani?"

"I don't have anyone that I like" Normani shrugged.

"What about you Lauren?" Ally asked

"Nah.. I think I'm gonna stay single 'til we graduate" Lauren answered as she looks at Camila who was walking towards them with a smile.

She looks happy. Lauren thought.

"Hey.. what are you guys talking about?" Camila asked as she took a seat besides Lauren.

"Dating life" Normani answered and Camila nodded "So.. you and Noah looks pretty serious"

"Nah.. we're just having fun" Camila answered before taking some fries on Lauren's tray.

Lauren slapped her hand quickly but Camila still managed to steal some fries.

"Get your own" Lauren spat while Camila chews her fries mocking Lauren.

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