Chapter 51

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"Told you not to bring your car" Lauren sighed as they eye Camila's wrecked car.

"And they smashed the camera too" Camila sighed.

"I'll review the videos when I get home" Dinah waved as she walks towards her car.

"I'll call the shop" Noah pulled out his phone.

"Come on" Lauren pulled Camila towards her car. "I'll make you forget"

"It's weird that I'm not even mad.. I think I'm used to it" Camila chuckled.

"Is your dad home?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"Yeah but he's leaving tomorrow morning"

"Can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to leave you alone in your room"

"Of course.. " Camila smiled.

"Okay.. so movie?" Lauren started her car.

"And sweets" Camila clapped excitedly


"Okay that was the longest movie I've ever watched and my butt hurts" Camila chuckled as she rubs her butt.

"End game is a three hour movie" Lauren smiled as she intelocks their fingers. "Where do you want to eat?"

"Anywhere" Camila replied.


"You really know me" Camila chuckled.

They drove to Shawn's café and ordered their favorite food.

"Here you go" Taylor served their food and Camila looked at a nervous Lauren.

"Hi Taylor" Lauren smiled nervously.

"Hi Lauren" Taylor smiled "Hi Camila"

"H-how are you?"

"Relax Lauren" Taylor chuckled "I'm not mad"

"You're not?" Camila frowned.

"I'm not. I'm happy that you're happy" Taylor smiled at Lauren.

"Thank you Taylor" Lauren smiled back.

"Anyway, I need to get back to work. It was nice seeing you guys" Taylor smiled before walking away.

"She's so nice" Camila smiled.

"Yeah she is" Lauren nodded.

"D-do you sometimes uhh think about not leaving her for me?" Camila stammered making Lauren frown.

"Are you asking if I regret leaving her for you?"

"No.. uhh.. I ..maybe"

"I can't believe you asked that kind of question" Lauren sighed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to" Camila looked down.

"No" Lauren replied

"What?" Camila looked back up at Lauren.

"No.. I don't regret leaving her for you. It was the right move for me. It was the best decision I've ever made"

"I'm sorry for asking that stupid question.. It's just that the way she looked at you..."

"Let's just eat" Lauren cut her off.  "And I don't care about the way she looks at me"

"Let's talk about something else" Camila said before taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Okay.. where's your body guard Ms. Cabello?" Lauren asked.

"He's right over.... there" Camila pointed to a british man sitting alone.

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