Chapter 15

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It's 11pm and the group are still in the café talking and asking about each other's lives.

"So Shawn.. you guys own this place?" Norman asked Shawn who was sitting beside Camila.

"Yeah.. May dad makes me work here every Friday to Sunday. And I don't mind. I mean I'm surrounded with books" Shawn answered before taking a sip of his coffee.

A guy who likes books? Great every girls' dream. Lauren thought.

"Nice guitar tattoo man, what's it mean?" Noah asked while leaning on the bookshelf.

"Oh uhmm it might just look like a guitar but it's so much more.." Shawn said holding his arm up to show the tattoo. "It's the woods' reflection on water and a sound wave connecting to the city, which is Toronto. Actually, the sound wave is my parents and my sister saying 'I love you.' So it's a connection between home, work, and family."

Oh.. and he's like an artist too. Great

"That's wow.." Camila sighed in admiration.

"That's deep man" Noah said

"It's beautiful" Dinah joined in.

"Thank you" Shawn smiled.

"So you from Toronto?" Lauren asked and Shawn nodded.

"Yeah.. but my dad's work was moved here so.. here I am"

"I'm so glad you moved" Camila said making Shawn chuckle.

Lauren looked away not being able to bear Camila looking at Shawn with her googly eyes.

"I uhh need to go.. it's late" Lauren sighed as she gets up.

"Yeah me too" Noah followed Lauren's action. "Can this place be our usual spot? It's cozy"

"Of course. You can come here anytime" Shawn smiled at Noah.

"Let's call it a night" Dinah stood up "but before we go, let's exchange numbers"

"Yeah sure" Shawn pulled out her phone and passed it to everyone.

"Thank you guys for coming, let's hangout soon" Shawn walked them to the door. "Camila.. do you have a uhh ride home?"

"Uhh yeah.. Lauren's my neighbor so..."

"Oh cool.. just wanna make sure. Okay, good night"

"Good night" Camila smiled at Shawn.

"Cute" Dinah rolled her eyes.

"I'm cute" Noah mumbled before stepping inside his jeep.

"You okay?" Camila asked Lauren who was busy fastening her seatbelt.

No! You're flirting with him in front of me! Lauren thought.

"Yeah.. are you okay?" Lauren lied.

"Yeah.. I just thought..."

"I'm fine, Camila" Lauren cut her off before driving home.

The drive home was too quiet for Camila's liking. Lauren hasn't said anything. They pulled up on Lauren's driveway and Lauren quickly stepped out of the car.

"Lauren what's wrong?" Camila asked as she steps out of the car.

"Nothing.. I'm just tired" Lauren answered as she walks towards the front door.

Camila sighed before running towards Lauren. She grabbed Lauren's wrist and spun her around before crashing their lips together. After a few seconds, Lauren reciprocated the kiss as she gets lost in Camila's soft lips.

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