Chapter 19

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Camila parked her car on their driveway and sighed when she noticed her dad's car is gone. It didn't bother her anymore. At first, she would feel upset and alone when Alejandro's gone for his business trip but now she got used to it.

Camila jumped on her bed and sighed before kicking off her shoes. Her phone rang making her groan. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and saw Shawn's name flashing on the screen.

Lauren would have been better Camila thought before shaking her head.

Stop Camila.. She's your friend.

Camila sighed before answering the phone.

"Hey Shawn"

"Hi Mila.. Is everything okay? You kinda left without saying goodbye"

"Yeah I'm fine.. Dad texted me to come home"

"Oh okay."

"I uhh gotta go.. I'm helping him on something"

Camila hang up the phone and stared at her silent room before letting herself cry silently. She buried her face on her hands as she cried.

"Why am I even crying?!" Camila exclaimed as she sobbed.

Her phone rang again and she quickly picked it up.

"Shawn I said I'm..."

"Who's Shawn? And why are you crying kaki?"

It was Sofi

"I'm sorry Sof.. I didn't checked before I answered"

"Are you okay? Where's dad?"

"He's on a business trip again.. how are you angel?"

Camila breathed from her nose then exhaling slowly through her mouth before wiping the tears on her cheeks trying to calm herself down.

"I'm okay Kaki.. why are you crying? Is it that time of the month?"

Camila chuckled at her sister's words.

"I'm fine.. I just miss you that's all"

"I miss you too.. and mom. I dreamt about her last night"

"Really? About what?"

Camila tried so hard to keep her tears inside. Sofi mentioning their mom just gave her the urge to cry again.

"She was giving me a bath and playing with my hair on the water"

"That's great.. how is school?"

Camila changed the topic to prevent herself from crying.

"It's okay.. I have friends now and we always walk to class together. They always cheer me up when I'm sad."

"Me too. My friends always make me laugh when I'm sad. Especially Lauren.. she would invite me to her house and we would watch disney movies to cheer me up"

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