Chapter 24

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Lauren picked The Princess and the Frog on Netfix before plopping down on the pillow layed on the floor next to Camila.

"So what happened?" Lauren asked making Camila chuckle.

"Aren't you going to watch?"

"No.. I wanna listen" Lauren shrugged.

"Okay.." Camila shifted from the floor to face Lauren. "My dad and I aren't really on good terms."

"Why? Lauren frowned.

"I uhh.. I think he blames me for my mom's death" Camila's voice cracked. Mentioning her mom just makes her wanna break down and cry.

"May I ask what happened to your mom? I mean.. you don't have to answer that if you don't want to..." Lauren rambled.

"It's fine Lo" Camila flashed a weak smile. "I think it really is my fault" Camila chuckled as she looks at Lauren who was listening.

"I uhh I was being a brat that day.. I had an argument with her and I just walked out of the room.. my dad and my sister we're out for ice cream that day so they weren't there.. I stepped inside my car while my mom just yelled out my name and I ignored her.. I went to the beach to calm my nerves down and when I decided to come home to apologized to her.. my uhh my dad called me saying my mom got into a car accident.." Camila breathed deeply trying to hold back her tears.

"Camz... you don't have to.."

"I want to" Camila interrupted. Lauren nodded before placing her hand on Camila's arm.

"When I got to the hospital.. I was too late.. S-she was gone. My mom was gone" Camila began to cry. Lauren sat up and wrapped her arms around her while Camila cried on Lauren's chest.

"It's okay" Lauren whispered.

"I didn't even got the chance to apologize and tell her that I love her so much" Camila sobbed.

"Hey" Lauren cupped Camila's cheeks before wiping the tears with her thumb. "It's not your fault.. Don't blame yourself of something you have no control of"

"If I wasn't being a stupid that day she would still be alive today"

"Don't let the past eat you.. I bet your mom doesn't like seeing you cry right now" Lauren whispered while her hands are still holding the delicate face of Camila.

"Please make it stop" Camila whispered while letting her tears roll down her face. "It hurts.. m-make it stop" Camila's lips were quivering as she sobbed.

Lauren pulled Camila gently towards her body as if Camila was a glass that would break with just a slight touch.

She looks so fragile and hurt. Lauren thought.

"If I could I would take your pain away" Lauren whispered as her hand caresses Camila's back.

"Make me forget" Camila whispered back.

Lauren kissed Camila's head softly before unwrapping her arms to the fragile girl.

"That's it?" Camila whispered making Lauren quirk an eyebrow.

"I'm with Taylor now Camz.. we can't keep doing that" Lauren sighed.

"Oh y-yeah.. I forgot. I uhh thanks for listening and comforting me. I uhh have to go" Camila stood up but Lauren grabbed her hand.

Lauren stood up and tucked a lose hair behind Camila's ear.

"I don't want to take advantage of you baby.. you're hurting" Lauren whispered.

God.. why is she so perfect. Camila thought.

"Thank you.. Lauren" Camila smiled before walking out the door.

Lauren sighed before falling on her bed.

"I want to kiss you too... so bad" Lauren whispered.


"You almost kissed?!"

Dinah exclaimed while Camila bury her face on her hands nodding. School just ended and now they were in Noah's car talking about Lauren.

"Who almost kissed?" Noah asked as he turn to the girls who were talking in his back seat.

"Why almost? What happened?" Dinah asked with a tone of disappointment in her voice.

"I thought you liked Taylor for Lauren? You surely ask about her a lot when we're all together" Camila scoffed making Dinah roll her eyes.

"Uhh guys.." Noah tried to get the girls' attention but failed.

"I was just making you jealous.. I've always known that you have a thing for Lauren" Dinah replied.


"Because I see you girl" Dinah smirked.

"Then what's with all the 'you're inlove with Lauren?!' Shit?" Camila mocked Dinah.

"You're inlove with Lauren?!" Noah exclaimed but still not acknowledged.

"It's called acting boo" Dinah rolled her eyes at Camila.

"I'm an idiot for like asking her to kiss me" Camila groaned.

"Why didn't she kiss you?" Dinah asked.

"She said she has Taylor now" Camila sighed.

"Ouch.. that sucks" Dinah sighed. "Lauren's loyalty is unbelievable"

"It is" Noah nodded as he watch the girls on his rearview mirror.

"It is.. it just makes me want her more" Camila smiled.

"Come on.. I gotta watch my minions again today" Dinah sighed.

"Why aren't we moving?" Camila frowned.

"Noah?" Dinah called.

"Oh so now you notice me" Noah scoffed.

"Shut up boo.. we'll tell you everything soon" Dinah chuckled.

"Thanks for taking my car to the shop" Camila smiled.

"And for giving us a ride" Dinah smiled.

"No problem ladies" Noah smiled before starting his car.


I feel better now.. thank you for all the comments..

I'm bored.. ask me a question.. :)

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