Chapter 16

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Camila closed the door behind her gently hoping that her dad won't notice that she just got home. She slowly walked upstairs with her tiptoe but stopped when her dad called her from the living room.

"Where have you been? And why aren't you wearing any pants?" Alejandro asked with his hands placed on his hips.

Fuck. Camila cursed on herself.

"I slept with Lauren" Camila answered as she stood up on the stairs.

"What?!" Alejandro exclaimed.

"Not like that!" Camila retorded "I mean I just spent the night in her house"

"And why is that huh? Why sleep with someone else's home when you have your own"

Camila let out a sarcastic chuckle making her dad frown at her.

"What's so funny?" Alejandro asked as he starts to feel annoyed.

"You call this home?" Camila asked before shaking her head in disbelief. "This isn't a home, anymore. When you sent Sofi to boarding school in England this house wasn't even close in being called a home"

"It's for her own good.."

"She was 8!" Camila exclaimed as she felt her eyes getting wet. "I cried every night for 2 months after she left. She was so scared dad. Now I can only talk to her once a week." Camila whimpered.

"She'll understand when she's older" Alejandro said before walking towards his office.

"Yeah.. go ahead walk away" Camila muttered.

"What did you say?" Alejandro stopped in his tracks.

"You still blame me for it, don't you?" Camila asked her eyes never leaving her father's.


"Don't lie to me!" Camila yelled as she sat down on the stairs burying her face on her hands.

"I don't wanna talk about this now Karla. I have work" Alejandro said before walking towards his office.

Camila wiped her tears and chuckled as she shook her head.

"Every fucking time" Camila mumbled before walking towards her room.

She locked the door behind her and sighed as she falls on her bed.


Camila checked her phone and smiled when Lauren's nickname flashed in the screen.

U okay?

I'm fine

You don't look fine

Who's the creep now? 😏


Can we do that paper thingy like Taylor Swift and the hot guy?


Coz it's cute Lo

So who's who?

You're the hot guy duh. You're the one with the 🍆

And I'm Taylor coz I love her


U there?

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